
Revues Inderscience

Inderscience Publishers Journals

Computing and Mathematics


Applied and Computational Mathematics (16 titles)


  1. Int. J. of Applied Cryptography
  2. Int. J. of Applied Nonlinear Science
  3. Int. J. of Bio-Inspired Computation
  4. Int. J. of Computational Complexity and Intelligent Algorithms (NYP)
  5. Int. J. of Computational Vision and Robotics
  6. Int. J. of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology
  7. Int. J. of Computing Science and Mathematics
  8. Int. J. of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies
  9. Int. J. of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations
  10. Int. J. of Fuzzy Computation and Modelling
  11. Int. J. of Information and Coding Theory
  12. Int. J. of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation
  13. Int. J. of Mathematics in Operational Research
  14. Int. J. of Metaheuristics
  15. Int. J. of Swarm Intelligence
  16. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, An Int. J.


Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (32 titles)


  1. Int. J. of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms
  2. Int. J. of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing
  3. Int. J. of Bio-Inspired Computation
  4. Int. J. of Biometrics
  5. Int. J. of Cognitive Biometrics
  6. Int. J. of Collaborative Intelligence
  7. Int. J. of Computational Complexity and Intelligent Algorithms (NYP)
  8. Int. J. of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
  9. Int. J. of Computational Intelligence Studies
  10. Int. J. of Computational Science and Engineering
  11. Int. J. of Fuzzy Computation and Modelling
  12. Int. J. of Granular Computing, Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems
  13. Int. J. of Intelligent Defence Support Systems
  14. Int. J. of Intelligent Engineering Informatics
  15. Int. J. of Intelligent Enterprise
  16. Int. J. of Intelligent Information and Database Systems
  17. Int. J. of Intelligent Systems Design and Computing (NYP)
  18. Int. J. of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications
  19. Int. J. of Knowledge and Web Intelligence
  20. Int. J. of Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining
  21. Int. J. of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms
  22. Int. J. of Knowledge-Based Development
  23. Int. J. of Machine Intelligence and Sensory Signal Processing
  24. Int. J. of Mechanisms and Robotic Systems
  25. Int. J. of Mechatronics and Automation
  26. Int. J. of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems
  27. Int. J. of Multimedia Intelligence and Security
  28. Int. J. of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems
  29. Int. J. of Smart Grid and Green Communications (NYP)
  30. Int. J. of Smart Technology and Learning (NYP)
  31. Int. J. of Soft Computing and Networking (NYP)
  32. Int. J. of Swarm Intelligence


Communications and Mobile Technology (31 titles)


  1. Int. J. of Advanced Media and Communication
  2. Int. J. of Applied Cryptography
  3. Int. J. of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems
  4. Int. J. of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems
  5. Int. J. of Electronic Transport
  6. Int. J. of Information and Coding Theory
  7. Int. J. of Information and Communication Technology
  8. Int. J. of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence
  9. Int. J. of Intelligent Systems Design and Computing (NYP)
  10. Int. J. of Learning Technology
  11. Int. J. of Mobile Communications
  12. Int. J. of Mobile Learning and Organisation
  13. Int. J. of Mobile Network Design and Innovation
  14. Int. J. of Network Science (NYP)
  15. Int. J. of Networking and Virtual Organisations
  16. Int. J. of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications
  17. Int. J. of Satellite Communications Policy and Management
  18. Int. J. of Security and Networks
  19. Int. J. of Sensor Networks
  20. Int. J. of Smart Grid and Green Communications (NYP)
  21. Int. J. of Social Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems
  22. Int. J. of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments
  23. Int. J. of Social Network Mining
  24. Int. J. of Soft Computing and Networking (NYP)
  25. Int. J. of Space Science and Engineering
  26. Int. J. of Systems, Control and Communications
  27. Int. J. of Technology Enhanced Learning
  28. Int. J. of Telemedicine and Clinical Practices (NYP)
  29. Int. J. of Trust Management in Computing and Communications
  30. Int. J. of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems
  31. Int. J. of Wireless and Mobile Computing


Computing Science, Applications and Software (99 titles)


  1. Int. J. of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing
  2. Int. J. of Adaptive and Innovative Systems
  3. Int. J. of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms
  4. Int. J. of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
  5. Int. J. of Agile and Extreme Software Development
  6. Int. J. of Applied Cryptography
  7. Int. J. of Applied Pattern Recognition
  8. Int. J. of Applied Systemic Studies
  9. Int. J. of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing
  10. Int. J. of Arts and Technology
  11. Int. J. of Auditing Technology
  12. Int. J. of Automation and Control
  13. Int. J. of Autonomic Computing
  14. Int. J. of Big Data Intelligence
  15. Int. J. of Bio-Inspired Computation
  16. Int. J. of Bioinformatics Research and Applications
  17. Int. J. of Biometrics
  18. Int. J. of Business Information Systems
  19. Int. J. of Business Intelligence and Data Mining
  20. Int. J. of Cloud Computing
  21. Int. J. of Cognitive Performance Support
  22. Int. J. of Collaborative Intelligence
  23. Int. J. of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems
  24. Int. J. of Computational Biology and Drug Design
  25. Int. J. of Computational Complexity and Intelligent Algorithms (NYP)
  26. Int. J. of Computational Economics and Econometrics
  27. Int. J. of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
  28. Int. J. of Computational Intelligence Studies
  29. Int. J. of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering
  30. Int. J. of Computational Medicine and Healthcare (NYP)
  31. Int. J. of Computational Microbiology and Medical Ecology (NYP)
  32. Int. J. of Computational Science and Engineering
  33. Int. J. of Computational Systems Engineering
  34. Int. J. of Computational Vision and Robotics
  35. Int. J. of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology
  36. Int. J. of Computer Applications in Technology
  37. Int. J. of Computers in Healthcare
  38. Int. J. of Computing Science and Mathematics
  39. Int. J. of Convergence Computing
  40. Int. J. of Creative Computing
  41. Int. J. of Critical Computer-Based Systems
  42. Int. J. of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies
  43. Int. J. of Data Mining and Bioinformatics
  44. Int. J. of Data Mining, Modelling and Management
  45. Int. J. of Data Science (NYP)
  46. Int. J. of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism
  47. Int. J. of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics
  48. Int. J. of Electronic Transport
  49. Int. J. of Embedded Systems
  50. Int. J. of Experimental and Computational Biomechanics
  51. Int. J. of Forensic Software Engineering (NYP)
  52. Int. J. of Fuzzy Computation and Modelling
  53. Int. J. of Granular Computing, Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems
  54. Int. J. of Grid and Utility Computing
  55. Int. J. of High Performance Computing and Networking
  56. Int. J. of High Performance Systems Architecture
  57. Int. J. of Humanitarian Technology (NYP)
  58. Int. J. of Image Mining (NYP)
  59. Int. J. of Information and Coding Theory
  60. Int. J. of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence
  61. Int. J. of Innovative Computing and Applications
  62. Int. J. of Intelligent Defence Support Systems
  63. Int. J. of Intelligent Engineering Informatics
  64. Int. J. of Intelligent Information and Database Systems
  65. Int. J. of Intelligent Systems Design and Computing (NYP)
  66. Int. J. of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications
  67. Int. J. of Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining
  68. Int. J. of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms
  69. Int. J. of Learning Technology
  70. Int. J. of Manufacturing Research
  71. Int. J. of Manufacturing Technology and Management
  72. Int. J. of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation
  73. Int. J. of Medical Engineering and Informatics
  74. Int. J. of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies
  75. Int. J. of Mobile Communications
  76. Int. J. of Mobile Network Design and Innovation
  77. Int. J. of Multimedia Intelligence and Security
  78. Int. J. of Network Science (NYP)
  79. Int. J. of Organisational Design and Engineering
  80. Int. J. of Planning and Scheduling
  81. Int. J. of Process Systems Engineering
  82. Int. J. of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems
  83. Int. J. of Semantic and Infrastructure Services (NYP)
  84. Int. J. of Service and Computing Oriented Manufacturing
  85. Int. J. of Social and Humanistic Computing
  86. Int. J. of Social Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems
  87. Int. J. of Soft Computing and Networking (NYP)
  88. Int. J. of Software Engineering, Technology and Applications (NYP)
  89. Int. J. of Space-Based and Situated Computing
  90. Int. J. of Swarm Intelligence
  91. Int. J. of System Control and Information Processing
  92. Int. J. of Technology Enhanced Learning
  93. Int. J. of Telemedicine and Clinical Practices (NYP)
  94. Int. J. of the Digital Human (NYP)
  95. Int. J. of Trust Management in Computing and Communications
  96. Int. J. of Web and Grid Services
  97. Int. J. of Web Science
  98. Int. J. of Wireless and Mobile Computing
  99. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, An Int. J.


Information Systems and Technology (74 titles)


  1. Electronic Government, an Int. J.
  2. Int. J. of Advanced Media and Communication
  3. Int. J. of Applied Cryptography
  4. Int. J. of Applied Decision Sciences
  5. Int. J. of Applied Systemic Studies
  6. Int. J. of Big Data Intelligence
  7. Int. J. of Business Information Systems
  8. Int. J. of Business Intelligence and Systems Engineering (NYP)
  9. Int. J. of Business Process Integration and Management
  10. Int. J. of Cognitive Biometrics
  11. Int. J. of Cognitive Performance Support
  12. Int. J. of Collaborative Intelligence
  13. Int. J. of Computational Systems Engineering
  14. Int. J. of Convergence Computing
  15. Int. J. of Data Mining, Modelling and Management
  16. Int. J. of Data Science (NYP)
  17. Int. J. of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism
  18. Int. J. of Digital Enterprise Technology (NYP)
  19. Int. J. of Electronic Banking
  20. Int. J. of Electronic Business
  21. Int. J. of Electronic Customer Relationship Management
  22. Int. J. of Electronic Democracy
  23. Int. J. of Electronic Finance
  24. Int. J. of Electronic Governance
  25. Int. J. of Electronic Healthcare
  26. Int. J. of Electronic Marketing and Retailing
  27. Int. J. of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics
  28. Int. J. of Electronic Trade (NYP)
  29. Int. J. of Electronic Transport
  30. Int. J. of Enterprise Systems Integration and Interoperability (NYP)
  31. Int. J. of Humanitarian Technology (NYP)
  32. Int. J. of Image Mining (NYP)
  33. Int. J. of Indian Culture and Business Management
  34. Int. J. of Information and Coding Theory
  35. Int. J. of Information and Communication Technology
  36. Int. J. of Information and Computer Security
  37. Int. J. of Information and Decision Sciences
  38. Int. J. of Information Privacy, Security and Integrity
  39. Int. J. of Information Quality
  40. Int. J. of Information Systems and Change Management
  41. Int. J. of Information Systems and Management
  42. Int. J. of Information Technology and Management
  43. Int. J. of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence
  44. Int. J. of Intelligent Information and Database Systems
  45. Int. J. of Intercultural Information Management
  46. Int. J. of Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining
  47. Int. J. of Knowledge Management Studies
  48. Int. J. of Learning Technology
  49. Int. J. of Legal Information Design (NYP)
  50. Int. J. of Multimedia Intelligence and Security
  51. Int. J. of Network Science (NYP)
  52. Int. J. of Networking and Virtual Organisations
  53. Int. J. of Planning and Scheduling
  54. Int. J. of Qualitative Information Systems Research (NYP)
  55. Int. J. of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications
  56. Int. J. of Security and Networks
  57. Int. J. of Sensor Networks
  58. Int. J. of Service and Computing Oriented Manufacturing
  59. Int. J. of Services and Standards
  60. Int. J. of Services Technology and Management
  61. Int. J. of Smart Grid and Green Communications (NYP)
  62. Int. J. of Smart Technology and Learning (NYP)
  63. Int. J. of Social and Humanistic Computing
  64. Int. J. of Social Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems
  65. Int. J. of Space-Based and Situated Computing
  66. Int. J. of Spatial, Temporal and Multimedia Information Systems (NYP)
  67. Int. J. of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics (NYP)
  68. Int. J. of System Control and Information Processing
  69. Int. J. of Technology Enhanced Learning
  70. Int. J. of Technology Policy and Law
  71. Int. J. of Trust Management in Computing and Communications
  72. Int. J. of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems
  73. Int. J. of Virtual Technology and Multimedia
  74. Int. J. of Web Science


Internet and Web Services (42 titles)


  1. Electronic Government, an Int. J.
  2. Int. J. of Applied Cryptography
  3. Int. J. of Business Process Integration and Management
  4. Int. J. of Cloud Computing
  5. Int. J. of Cognitive Performance Support
  6. Int. J. of Computational Medicine and Healthcare (NYP)
  7. Int. J. of Creative Computing
  8. Int. J. of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism
  9. Int. J. of Electronic Banking
  10. Int. J. of Electronic Business
  11. Int. J. of Electronic Customer Relationship Management
  12. Int. J. of Electronic Democracy
  13. Int. J. of Electronic Finance
  14. Int. J. of Electronic Governance
  15. Int. J. of Electronic Healthcare
  16. Int. J. of Electronic Marketing and Retailing
  17. Int. J. of Electronic Trade (NYP)
  18. Int. J. of Information and Coding Theory
  19. Int. J. of Internet and Enterprise Management
  20. Int. J. of Internet Manufacturing and Services
  21. Int. J. of Internet Marketing and Advertising
  22. Int. J. of Internet Protocol Technology
  23. Int. J. of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions
  24. Int. J. of Knowledge and Web Intelligence
  25. Int. J. of Learning Technology
  26. Int. J. of Manufacturing Research
  27. Int. J. of Manufacturing Technology and Management
  28. Int. J. of Network Science (NYP)
  29. Int. J. of Semantic and Infrastructure Services (NYP)
  30. Int. J. of Service and Computing Oriented Manufacturing
  31. Int. J. of Services Technology and Management
  32. Int. J. of Smart Technology and Learning (NYP)
  33. Int. J. of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments
  34. Int. J. of Social Network Mining
  35. Int. J. of Space-Based and Situated Computing
  36. Int. J. of Technology Enhanced Learning
  37. Int. J. of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems
  38. Int. J. of Virtual Technology and Multimedia
  39. Int. J. of Web and Grid Services
  40. Int. J. of Web Based Communities
  41. Int. J. of Web Engineering and Technology
  42. Int. J. of Web Science


Simulation and Modelling (20 titles)


  1. Int. J. of Applied Nonlinear Science
  2. Int. J. of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling
  3. Int. J. of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering
  4. Int. J. of Computational Science and Engineering
  5. Int. J. of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology
  6. Int. J. of Computer Applications in Technology
  7. Int. J. of Data Mining, Modelling and Management
  8. Int. J. of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation
  9. Int. J. of Experimental Design and Process Optimisation
  10. Int. J. of Fuzzy Computation and Modelling
  11. Int. J. of Human Factors and Ergonomics
  12. Int. J. of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation
  13. Int. J. of Image Mining (NYP)
  14. Int. J. of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation
  15. Int. J. of Modelling, Identification and Control
  16. Int. J. of Simulation and Process Modelling
  17. Int. J. of the Digital Human (NYP)
  18. Int. J. of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing
  19. Int. J. of Virtual Technology and Multimedia
  20. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, An Int. J.



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