Scopus Informatique
Sourcerecord id | Source Title (Medline-sourced journals are indicated in Green) Titles indicated in bold red do not meet the Scopus quality criteria anymore and therefore Scopus discontinued the forward capturing |
Print-ISSN | E-ISSN | Publisher imprints grouped to main Publisher | Publisher's Country |
21100204505 | Australasian Journal of Information Systems | 10397841 | UQ Business School, The University of Queensland | Australia | |
21100356018 | Big Data Research | 22145796 | Elsevier | United States | |
145592 | Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory | 1381298X | Springer | Netherlands | |
24355 | Computers and Operations Research | 03050548 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
21933 | Decision Support Systems | 01679236 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
13130 | Distributed and Parallel Databases | 09268782 | 15737578 | Springer | Netherlands |
19700182731 | Egyptian Informatics Journal | 11108665 | Cairo University | Egypt | |
29114 | Engineering Optimization | 0305215X | 10290273 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
10900153330 | Enterprise Information Systems | 17517575 | 17517583 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
19700169405 | Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science | 09270507 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
21100338350 | IEEE Internet of Things Journal | 23274662 | IEEE | United States | |
18300156728 | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing | 19391374 | IEEE | United States | |
12303 | Information and Management | 03787206 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
145394 | Information Management | 1080286X | IGI Global | United States | |
12689 | Information Processing and Management | 03064573 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
4000150311 | Information Professional | 1743694X | IEE | United Kingdom | |
15134 | Information Sciences | 00200255 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
38082 | Information Sciences - Applications | 10690115 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
19700187807 | Information Security Journal | 19393555 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom | |
15574 | Information Systems Research | 10477047 | 15265536 | Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences | United States |
25040 | INFORMS Journal on Computing | 10919856 | 15265528 | Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences | United States |
18500169200 | Infosecurity | 17544548 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
21100222537 | Intelligent Systems Reference Library | 18684394 | 18684408 | Springer | United States |
19700201511 | Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management | 15551229 | 15551237 | Informing Science Institute | United States |
12753 | International Game Theory Review | 02191989 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
19700186899 | International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies | 17510589 | 17510597 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
17300154971 | International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection | 18745482 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
21100204516 | International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies | 17558050 | 17558069 | Inderscience | Switzerland |
12100154510 | International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems | 15481115 | 15481123 | IGI Global | United States |
20100195036 | International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics | 15553396 | 1555340X | IGI Global | United States |
21100285029 | International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences | 17567017 | 17567025 | Inderscience | Switzerland |
21100223564 | International Journal of Information Processing and Management | 20934009 | 2233940X | Advanced Institute of Convergence Information Technology Research Center | South Korea |
21100266730 | International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector | 19355688 | 19355696 | IGI Global | United States |
4500151542 | International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies | 15483657 | 15483665 | IGI Global | United States |
19300157106 | International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services | 17516048 | 17516056 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
19400157135 | International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies | 17438268 | 17438276 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
11400153310 | International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications | 13675567 | 1469848X | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
20449 | International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management | 13682148 | 17415195 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
54666 | International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations | 14709503 | 17415225 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
19165 | International Journal of Production Economics | 09255273 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
6400153175 | International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics | 1741539X | 17415403 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
21100207616 | International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development | 19416253 | 19416261 | IGI Global | United States |
9700153238 | International Transactions in Operational Research | 09696016 | Wiley-Blackwell | Denmark | |
19700175219 | Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems | 17350654 | Unisity of Sistan & Baluchistan | Iran, Islamic Republic of | |
21100199308 | Journal of Applied Analysis | 14256908 | Walter de Gruyter | Germany | |
4100151613 | Journal of Applied Engineering Science/Istrazivanja i Projektovanja za Privredu | 14514117 | Institut za Istrazivanja I Projektovanja u Privredi | Serbia | |
88934 | Journal of Cases on Information Technology | 15487717 | 15487725 | IGI Global | United States |
19700186884 | Journal of Data and Information Quality | 19361955 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
11200153528 | Journal of Digital Forensic Practice | 15567281 | Taylor & Francis | United States | |
7000153205 | Journal of Environmental Informatics | 17262135 | 16848799 | International Society for Environmental Information Sciences | Canada |
20606 | Journal of Forecasting | 02776693 | 1099131X | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
20608 | Journal of Global Information Management | 10627375 | 15337995 | IGI Global | United States |
19900194826 | Journal of Global Information Technology Management | 1097198X | Ivy League Publishing | United States | |
88345 | Journal of Global Optimization | 09255001 | 15732916 | Springer | Netherlands |
24358 | Journal of Heuristics | 13811231 | 15729397 | Springer | Netherlands |
19713 | Journal of High Technology Management Research | 10478310 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
21100268428 | Journal of ICT Research and Applications | 23375787 | Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) | Indonesia | |
21100205958 | Journal of Information, Information Technology, and Organizations | 15571319 | 15571327 | Informing Science Institute | United States |
5100155103 | Journal of Informetrics | 17511577 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
15700 | Journal of Management Information Systems | 07421222 | M.E. Sharpe Inc. | United States | |
19169 | Journal of Operations Management | 02726963 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
19294 | Journal of Scheduling | 10946136 | Springer | Netherlands | |
12137 | Journal of Statistical Software | 15487660 | University of California Press | United States | |
12396 | Journal of Strategic Information Systems | 09638687 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
21100307484 | Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology | 23301643 | Wiley-Blackwell | United Kingdom | |
24772 | Knowledge-Based Systems | 09507051 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
19400158510 | Logistics Research | 1865035X | Springer | Germany | |
21805 | Mathematical Methods of Operations Research | 14322994 | 14325217 | Springer | Germany |
22140 | Mathematics of Operations Research | 0364765X | 15265471 | Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences | United States |
12402 | MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems | 02767783 | MIS Research Center | United States | |
27334 | Network Security | 13534858 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
14500154733 | Operational Research | 11092858 | 18661505 | Springer | Germany |
22238 | Operations Research | 0030364X | 15265463 | Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences | United States |
22202 | Operations Research Letters | 01676377 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
21100222535 | Operations Research/ Computer Science Interfaces Series | 1387666X | Springer | United States | |
19700181204 | OPSEARCH | 00303887 | 09750320 | Springer | Germany |
22315 | Personal and Ubiquitous Computing | 16174909 | Springer | Germany | |
18658 | Production Planning and Control | 09537287 | 13665871 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
19600161828 | Public Transport | 16137159 | 1866749X | Springer | Germany |
19124 | Queueing Systems | 02570130 | 15729443 | Springer | Netherlands |
12991 | RAIRO Recherche Operationnelle | 03990559 | 12903868 | EDP Sciences | France |
4000151001 | Resource Sharing and Information Networks | 07377797 | Haworth Press | United States | |
21100204111 | Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies | 21903018 | Springer | Germany | |
6400153135 | Source Code for Biology and Medicine | 17510473 | Springer | United Kingdom | |
23614 | Statistics and Computing | 09603174 | 15731375 | Springer | Netherlands |
19700180841 | Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science | 18767354 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
26941 | Theory and Decision | 00405833 | 15737187 | Springer | Netherlands |
20893 | Tramsportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies | 0968090X | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
19200156938 | Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy | 17506166 | Emerald | United Kingdom | |
4400151723 | Webology | 1735188X | University of Tehran | Iran, Islamic Republic of | |
21100229836 | 3D Research | 20926731 | Springer | United States | |
145295 | 4OR | 16194500 | 16142411 | Springer | Germany |
21100198457 | ACM Communications in Computer Algebra | 19322232 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
23038 | ACM Computing Surveys | 03600300 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
19700201136 | ACM Inroads | 21532184 | 21532192 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States |
145466 | ACM Journal on Educational Resources in Computing | 15314278 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
4700152798 | ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems | 15504832 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
19700185000 | ACM SIGPLAN Notices | 15232867 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
19700186855 | ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing | 19367228 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
12100154833 | ACM Transactions on Applied Perception | 15443558 | 15443965 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States |
26798 | ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing | 15300226 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
4800153205 | ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems | 15564665 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
19700166602 | ACM Transactions on Computation Theory | 19423454 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
23051 | ACM Transactions on Computational Logic | 15293785 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
12213 | ACM Transactions on Computer Systems | 07342071 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
26199 | ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction | 10730516 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
19700183047 | ACM Transactions on Computing Education | 19466226 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
13044 | ACM Transactions on Database Systems | 03625915 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
18662 | ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems | 10844309 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
24972 | ACM Transactions on Graphics | 07300301 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
28875 | ACM Transactions on Information and System Security | 10949224 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
18997 | ACM Transactions on Information Systems | 10468188 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
19700190323 | ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology | 21576904 | 21576912 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States |
15773 | ACM Transactions on Internet Technology | 15335399 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
5800173377 | ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data | 15564681 | Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics, Association for Computing Machinery | United States | |
21100200804 | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems | 2158656X | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
18120 | ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software | 00983500 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
23054 | ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation | 10493301 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
4700151918 | ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications | 15516857 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
27836 | ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems | 01640925 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
21100217640 | ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems | 19367406 | 19367414 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States |
4700152843 | ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks | 15504859 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
18121 | ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology | 1049331X | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
4700152720 | ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing | 15504875 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
4700152858 | ACM Transactions on Storage | 15533077 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
5800207369 | ACM Transactions on the Web | 15591131 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
13024 | Acta Cybernetica | 0324721X | Szegedi Tudomanyegyetern/University of Szeged | Hungary | |
15012 | Acta Informatica | 00015903 | 14320525 | Springer | Germany |
18085 | Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica Mathematics and Computing Series | 14569418 | Finnish Academies of Technology | Finland | |
18300156736 | Acta Scientiarum - Technology | 18062563 | 18078664 | Universidade Estadual de Maringa | Brazil |
26799 | Ad Hoc Networks | 15708705 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
27842 | Ada User Journal | 13816551 | Ada Language UK Ltd. | United Kingdom | |
21100222552 | Adaptation, Learning, and Optimization | 18674534 | Springer | United States | |
19700186738 | Ad-Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks | 15519899 | 15520633 | Old City Publishing, Inc. | United States |
23640 | Advanced Engineering Informatics | 14740346 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
18177 | Advanced Imaging | 10420711 | Cygnus Business Media Inc. | United States | |
18003 | Advanced Robotics | 01691864 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom | |
19700181106 | Advanced Science Letters | 19366612 | 19367317 | American Scientific Publishers | United States |
19900192734 | Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry | 11786949 | Dove Medical Press | New Zealand | |
19900193673 | Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis | 17935369 | 17937175 | Wold Scientific | Singapore |
19700182335 | Advances in Bioinformatics | 16878027 | 16878035 | Hindawi | Egypt |
21100369426 | Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition | 21916594 | Springer | United States | |
23080 | Advances in Computers | 00652458 | Elsevier | United States | |
5200152822 | Advances in Data Analysis and Classification | 18625347 | 18625355 | Springer | Germany |
18000156702 | Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering | 15827445 | 18447600 | University of Suceava | Romania |
18089 | Advances in Engineering Software | 09659978 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
9800153162 | Advances in Engineering Software (1978) | 01411195 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
19700182320 | Advances in Human-Computer Interaction | 16875893 | 16875907 | Hindawi | Egypt |
19700200842 | Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences | 19763700 | 22339345 | Advanced Institute of Convergence Information Technology Research Center | South Korea |
21100254279 | Advances in Information Security | 15682633 | Springer | United States | |
18800156711 | Advances in Mathematics of Communications | 19305346 | 19305338 | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | United States |
28044 | Advances in Modelling and Analysis B: Signals, Information, Data, Patterns | 12404543 | Association pour la promotion des techniques de modelisation et de simulation dans l'entreprise Press | France | |
6400153142 | Advances in Multimedia | 16875699 | Hindawi | Egypt | |
19700180820 | Advances in Parallel Computing | 09275452 | 1879808X | IOS Press | Netherlands |
5100152904 | Advances in Soft Computing | 16153871 | 18600794 | Springer | Germany |
31211 | AEU-Archiv für Elektronik und Uberträgungstechnik | 00011096 | Hirzel Verlag | Germany | |
23616 | AI and Society | 09515666 | 14355655 | Springer | Germany |
34275 | AI Applications | 10518266 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
23617 | AI Communications | 09217126 | IOS Press | Netherlands | |
23629 | AI Magazine | 07384602 | American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Press | United States | |
20751 | Alcatel Telecommunications Review | 12677167 | Alcatel Alsthom publ | France | |
23087 | Algorithmica | 01784617 | 14320541 | Springer | Germany |
21100199795 | Algorithms | 19994893 | MDPI Open Access Publishing | Switzerland | |
5800179604 | Algorithms for Molecular Biology | 17487188 | Springer | United Kingdom | |
19900191717 | ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology | 09687769 | 17411629 | University of Wales Press | United Kingdom |
19700200806 | American Journal of Distance Education | 08923647 | 15389286 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
25569 | Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing | 09251030 | 15731979 | Springer | Netherlands |
19600157016 | Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae | 17875021 | 17876117 | Eszterhazy Karoly College | Hungary |
145642 | Annals of Cases on Information Technology | 1537937X | IGI Global | United States | |
19700201402 | Annals of GIS | 19475683 | 19475691 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
21100201051 | Annals of Library and Information Studies | 09725423 | 09752404 | National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR) | India |
23670 | Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence | 10122443 | 15737470 | Springer | Netherlands |
59840 | Annals of Software Engineering | 10227091 | Springer | Netherlands | |
21100199784 | Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series | 12236934 | 22469958 | Universitaria Publishing House, University of Craiova | Romania |
19700174668 | Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine | 15548716 | The Interactive Media Institute (IMI) | United States | |
12124 | Annual Review of Information Science and Technology | 00664200 | Information Today, Inc. | United States | |
27843 | Annual Reviews in Control | 13675788 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
23673 | Applied Artificial Intelligence | 08839514 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom | |
144799 | Applied Bioinformatics | 11755636 | Springer | New Zealand | |
28049 | Applied Categorical Structures | 09272852 | 15729095 | Springer | Netherlands |
21100258404 | Applied Clinical Informatics | 18690327 | Schattauer GmbH | Germany | |
23674 | Applied Intelligence | 0924669X | 15737497 | Springer | Netherlands |
21100197928 | Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences | 19350090 | Natural Sciences Publishing Corporation | United States | |
19900193674 | Applied Ontology | 15705838 | 18758533 | IOS Press | Netherlands |
83499 | Applied Signal Processing | 09410635 | Hindawi | Egypt | |
18136 | Applied Soft Computing Journal | 15684946 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
21100332423 | APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing | 20487703 | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom | |
25718 | Architectural Technology | 1361326X | British Institute of Architectural Technologists | United Kingdom | |
67043 | Archives and Museum Informatics | 10421467 | Archives & Museum Informatics | United States | |
18093 | Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering | 11343060 | International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering | Spain | |
19900191732 | Argument and Computation | 19462166 | 19462174 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
23675 | Artificial Intelligence | 00043702 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
13880 | Artificial Intelligence and Law | 09248463 | 15728382 | Springer | Netherlands |
23678 | Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing: AIEDAM | 08900604 | 14691760 | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
38658 | Artificial Intelligence in Engineering | 09541810 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
24140 | Artificial Intelligence in Medicine | 09333657 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
24141 | Artificial Intelligence Review | 02692821 | 15737462 | Springer | Netherlands |
24142 | Artificial Life | 10645462 | 15309185 | MIT Press | United States |
144653 | Artificial Life and Robotics | 14335298 | Springer | Germany | |
19700177033 | Artnodes | 16955951 | Fundacio per la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya | Spain | |
21100374356 | Aslib Journal of Information Management | 20503814 | Emerald | United Kingdom | |
12804 | Aslib Proceedings: New Information Prespectives | 0001253X | Aslib | United Kingdom | |
21100241218 | Astronomy and Computing | 22131337 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
21100283377 | Australasian Journal of Engineering Education | 13245821 | Engineers Australia | Australia | |
145256 | Australian Educational Computing | 08169020 | Australian Council for Computers in Education | Australia | |
4400151525 | Australian Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society | 14490706 | Australian Centre for Emerging Technologies and Society | Australia | |
19700177558 | Automated Experimentation | 17594499 | Springer | United States | |
24145 | Automated Software Engineering | 09288910 | 15737535 | Springer | Netherlands |
24906 | Automatic Control and Computer Sciences | 01464116 | Allerton Press Inc. | United States | |
24951 | Automatic Control and Computer Sciences (English translation of Avtomatika i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika) | 01324160 | Izdatel'stvo Nauka | Russian Federation | |
19700174656 | Automatika | 00051144 | Kompensatorenwerk Rhein-Main | Croatia | |
24932 | Automatisierungstechnik | 01782312 | Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH | Germany | |
24157 | Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems | 13872532 | 15737454 | Springer | Netherlands |
18016 | Autonomous Robots | 09295593 | 15737527 | Springer | Netherlands |
29597 | Avtometriya | 03207102 | Izdatel'stvo Sibirskoe Otdelenie Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk | Russian Federation | |
19700180742 | AZimuth | 13876783 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
12125 | Behaviour and Information Technology | 0144929X | 13623001 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
17751 | Beijing Youdian Xueyuan Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Posts And Telecommunications | 10005145 | Beijing University Press | China | |
17300154988 | BioData Mining | 17560381 | Springer | United Kingdom | |
17945 | Bioinformatics | 13674803 | 13674811 | OUP | United Kingdom |
17300154968 | Bioinformatics and Biology Insights | 11779322 | Libertas Academica | New Zealand | |
17953 | Biological Cybernetics | 03401200 | 14320770 | Springer | Germany |
21100218522 | Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures | 2212683X | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
28587 | Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology | 08998205 | Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation | United States | |
4700152237 | Biomedical Signal Processing and Control | 17468094 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
24144 | Biometric Technology Today | 09694765 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
4800154007 | BIT (Copenhagen) | 00063835 | Lunds Universitet | Sweden | |
27856 | BIT Numerical Mathematics | 00063835 | 15729125 | Lunds Universitet | Sweden |
17929 | BMC Bioinformatics | 14712105 | Springer | United Kingdom | |
17956 | Briefings in Bioinformatics | 14675463 | 14774054 | OUP | United Kingdom |
17747 | BT Technology Journal | 13583948 | 15731995 | Springer | Netherlands |
13845 | Bulletin of Mathematical Biology | 00928240 | 15229602 | Elsevier | United States |
13427 | Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences | 02397528 | Polska Akademia Nauk | Poland | |
21100369411 | Bulletin of the South Ural State University, Series: Mathematical Modelling, Programming and Computer Software | 20710216 | 23080256 | South Ural State University | Russian Federation |
21100285431 | Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology | 23060212 | IEEE | Taiwan | |
23613 | Byte | 03605280 | Mcgraw Hill | United States | |
27858 | C/C++ Users Journal | 10752838 | CMP Media LLC | United States | |
18145 | CAD Computer Aided Design | 00104485 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
19500157224 | CAL-laborate International | 18360858 | 18360866 | University of Sydney | Australia |
21100265343 | CALL-EJ | 21879036 | Asia-Pacific Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (APACALL) | Australia | |
24593 | Calphad: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry | 03645916 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
144985 | Campus-Wide Information Systems | 10650741 | Meckler Pub | United States | |
26200 | Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | 08408688 | IEEE | Canada | |
14115 | Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science | 1195096X | University of Toronto Press | Canada | |
19700180758 | Capturing Intelligence | 15749576 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
24179 | Card Technology Today | 09652590 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
33199 | Cartography and Geographic Information Systems | 10509844 | American Congress on Surveying and Mapping | United States | |
24595 | Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems | 01697439 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
19700177325 | China Communications | 16735447 | China Institute of Communication | China | |
94728 | Chinese Journal of Advanced Software Research | 10747443 | Allerton Press Inc. | United States | |
17700155307 | Chongqing Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Chongqing University | 1000582X | Chinese Electronic Periodical Services | China | |
18780 | Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing | 0278081X | Springer | United States | |
21100286449 | Civil-Comp Proceedings | Civil-Comp Press | United Kingdom | ||
24596 | Cluster Computing | 13867857 | Springer | Netherlands | |
28642 | CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences | 15261492 | 15261506 | Tech Science Press | United States |
19700201037 | CoDesign | 15710882 | 17453755 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
19400158515 | Cognitive Computation | 18669956 | 18669964 | Springer | Germany |
130113 | Cognitive Processing | 16124782 | 16124790 | Springer | Germany |
12872 | Cognitive Psychology | 00100285 | 10955623 | Elsevier | United States |
12874 | Cognitive Science | 03640213 | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States | |
21100222539 | Cognitive Systems Monographs | 18674925 | Springer | United States | |
12886 | Cognitive Systems Research | 13890417 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
19700174602 | Cognitive Technologies | 16112482 | Springer | Germany | |
28070 | Combinatorics Probability and Computing | 09635483 | 14692163 | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
21100211117 | Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science | 15593940 | 21575452 | Mathematical Sciences Publishers | United States |
17700155007 | Communications in Computer and Information Science | 18650929 | Springer | Germany | |
25808 | Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering | 10698299 | 10990887 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
18265 | Communications International (London) | 03052109 | Emap Media Ltd. | United Kingdom | |
13675 | Communications of the ACM | 00010782 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
19300156904 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | 15293181 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
28454 | COMPEL - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering | 03321649 | Emerald | United Kingdom | |
5700165206 | Complex Analysis and Operator Theory | 16618254 | 16618262 | Springer | United States |
21100228550 | Complex Systems | 08912513 | Complex Systems Publications, inc. | United States | |
12237 | Complexity International | 13200682 | Charles Sturt University | Australia | |
21100223167 | Computacion y Sistemas | 14055546 | Centro de Investigacion en Computacion (CIC) del Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN) | Mexico | |
21100318415 | Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal | 20010370 | Research Network of Computational and Structural Biotechnology | Sweden | |
28455 | Computational Complexity | 10163328 | 14208954 | Springer | Switzerland |
19053 | Computational Economics | 09277099 | 15729974 | Springer | Netherlands |
28456 | Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications | 09257721 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
24501 | Computational Geosciences | 14200597 | Springer | Netherlands | |
23737 | Computational Intelligence | 08247935 | 14678640 | Wiley-Blackwell | United Kingdom |
7000153240 | Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience | 16875265 | 16875273 | Hindawi | Egypt |
26801 | Computational Linguistics | 08912017 | 15309312 | MIT Press | United States |
144815 | Computational Management Science | 1619697X | 16196988 | Springer | Germany |
20541 | Computational Materials Science | 09270256 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
28457 | Computational Mechanics | 01787675 | 14320924 | Springer | Germany |
21100205111 | Computational Methods and Function Theory | 16179447 | Springer | Germany | |
28461 | Computational Statistics and Data Analysis | 01679473 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
23746 | Computer | 00189162 | IEEE | United States | |
11200153545 | Computer Aided Chemical Engineering | 15707946 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
24998 | Computer Aided Geometric Design | 01678396 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
145508 | Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds | 15464261 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States | |
18156 | Computer Applications in Engineering Education | 10613773 | 10990542 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
144747 | Computer Assisted Language Learning | 09588221 | Intellect Publishers | United Kingdom | |
19807 | Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences | 1232308X | Agencja Reklamowo-Wydawnicza Foto Kurier | Poland | |
23750 | Computer Bulletin (London) | 00104531 | 1464357X | OUP | United States |
13681 | Computer Communications | 01403664 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
28887 | Computer Fraud and Security | 13613723 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
9700153205 | Computer Fraud and Security Bulletin | 01420496 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
34597 | Computer Graphics (ACM) | 00978930 | Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics, Association for Computing Machinery | United States | |
25023 | Computer Graphics Forum | 01677055 | 14678659 | Wiley-Blackwell | United Kingdom |
25024 | Computer Graphics World | 02714159 | PennWell Corp. | United States | |
23792 | Computer Journal | 00104620 | 14602067 | OUP | United Kingdom |
40046 | Computer Languages | 00960551 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
27865 | Computer Languages, Systems and Structures | 14778424 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
28888 | Computer Law and Security Review | 02673649 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
23604 | Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine | 01692607 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
18158 | Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering | 00457825 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
17954 | Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering | 10255842 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom | |
21100376683 | Computer Modelling and New Technologies | 14075806 | 14075814 | Transport and Telecommunication Institute | Latvia |
26540 | Computer Music Journal | 01489267 | 15315169 | MIT Press | United States |
26811 | Computer Networks | 13891286 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
12100157019 | Computer Networks (1976) | 03765075 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
21100203110 | Computer Optics | 01342452 | Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences, Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS | Russian Federation | |
13184 | Computer Physics Communications | 00104655 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
14000156208 | Computer Science - Research and Development | 18652034 | Springer | Germany | |
19300157037 | Computer Science and Information Systems | 18200214 | ComSIS Consortium | Serbia | |
19700201422 | Computer Science Education | 08993408 | 17445175 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
8000153138 | Computer Science Review | 15740137 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
28892 | Computer Security Journal | 02770865 | Computer Security Institute | United States | |
4900153227 | Computer Software | 02896540 | Japan Society for Software Science and Technology | Japan | |
27869 | Computer Speech and Language | 08852308 | 10958363 | Elsevier | United States |
24303 | Computer Standards and Interfaces | 09205489 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
24304 | Computer Supported Cooperative Work | 09259724 | 15737551 | Springer | Netherlands |
12324 | Computer Systems Science and Engineering | 02676192 | C R L Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom | |
24324 | Computer Technology Review | 02789647 | West World Productions, Inc. | United States | |
24161 | Computer Vision and Image Understanding | 10773142 | 1090235X | Elsevier | United States |
18144 | Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering | 10939687 | 14678667 | Wiley-Blackwell | United Kingdom |
4700151607 | Computer-Aided Design and Applications | 16864360 | Computer Aided Design Solutions | United States | |
18146 | Computer-Aided Engineering | 07333536 | Penton Media, Inc. | United States | |
23607 | Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics | 08956111 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
39956 | Computers and Artificial Intelligence | 02320274 | Slovak Academic Press Ltd. | Slovakia | |
24600 | Computers and Chemical Engineering | 00981354 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
26168 | Computers and Composition | 87554615 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
17645 | Computers and Education | 03601315 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
18159 | Computers and Electrical Engineering | 00457906 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
30441 | Computers and Electronics in Agriculture | 01681699 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
18160 | Computers and Fluids | 00457930 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
110327 | Computers and Geosciences | 00983004 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
18163 | Computers and Geotechnics | 0266352X | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
25028 | Computers and Graphics | 00978493 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
18164 | Computers and Industrial Engineering | 03608352 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
28468 | Computers and Mathematics with Applications | 08981221 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
28898 | Computers and Security | 01674048 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
18171 | Computers and Structures | 00457949 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
73059 | Computers and translation | 08840709 | Paradigm Press | United States | |
17957 | Computers in Biology and Medicine | 00104825 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
18388 | Computers in Education Journal | 10693769 | American Society for Engineering Education | United States | |
4700152823 | Computers in Entertainment | 15443574 | Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics, Association for Computing Machinery | United States | |
19419 | Computers in Human Behavior | 07475632 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
79001 | Computers in Human Services | 0740445X | Haworth Press | United States | |
19080 | Computers in Industry | 01663615 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
15416 | Computers in Libraries | 10417915 | Information Today, Inc. | United States | |
35860 | Computers in Nursing | 07368593 | Wolters Kluwer Health | United States | |
147225 | Computers in the Schools | 07380569 | 15287033 | Haworth Press | United States |
24364 | Computers, Materials and Continua | 15462218 | 15462226 | Tech Science Press | United States |
24407 | Computing (Vienna/New York) | 0010485X | 14365057 | Springer | Germany |
18172 | Computing and Control Engineering Journal | 09563385 | 17410460 | IEE | United Kingdom |
24162 | Computing and Informatics | 13359150 | Slovak Academic Press Ltd. | Slovakia | |
23486 | Computing and Visualization in Science | 14329360 | Springer | Germany | |
13185 | Computing in Science and Engineering | 15219615 | AIP | United States | |
27871 | Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience | 15320626 | 15320634 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
26644 | Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications | 1063293X | SAGE | United States | |
26645 | Concurrent Systems Engineering Series | 13837575 | IOS Press | Netherlands | |
24173 | Connection Science | 09540091 | 13600494 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
24175 | Constraints | 13837133 | 15729354 | Springer | Netherlands |
19900191719 | Construction Innovation | 14714175 | 14770857 | Arnold | United Kingdom |
21100265048 | Contemporary Engineering Sciences | 13136569 | 13147641 | Hikari Ltd. | Bulgaria |
25380 | Control and Intelligent Systems | 14801752 | ACTA Press | Canada | |
19900191768 | Control Engineering and Applied Informatics | 14548658 | Romanian Society of Control Engineering and Technical Informatics | Romania | |
18174 | Control Engineering Practice | 09670661 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
92906 | Controle and Automacao | 01031759 | Sociedade Brasileira de Automatica | Brazil | |
144797 | CrossTalk | 21601577 | 21601593 | Software Technology Support Center | United States |
19600156814 | Cryptography and Communications | 19362447 | 19362455 | Springer | United States |
6500153240 | Cryptologia | 01611194 | 15581586 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
21100211375 | Cryptology and Information Security Series | 18716431 | 18798101 | IOS Press | Netherlands |
27873 | Cutter IT Journal | 15227383 | Cutter Information Corp | United States | |
12929 | Cybernetica | 00114227 | International Association for Cybernetics | Belgium | |
21100199814 | Cybernetics and Information Technologies | 13119702 | 13144081 | Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | Bulgaria |
12931 | Cybernetics and Systems | 01969722 | 10876553 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
12933 | Cybernetics and Systems Analysis | 10600396 | 15738337 | Springer | Netherlands |
16272 | Cyberpsychology and Behavior | 10949313 | Mary Ann Liebert | United States | |
19700176047 | Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking | 21522715 | 21522723 | Mary Ann Liebert | United States |
4900152206 | Data Base for Advances in Information Systems | 15320936 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
58083 | Data Communications | 03636399 | Mcgraw Hill | United States | |
11200153551 | Data Handling in Science and Technology | 09223487 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
13579 | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | 13845810 | 1573756X | Springer | Netherlands |
10000153404 | Data Processing | 0011684X | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
4700152809 | Data Science Journal | 16831470 | Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) International Council for Science (ICSU) | France | |
37677 | Database | 01624105 | Online Inc | United States | |
19700188321 | Database : the journal of biological databases and curation | 17580463 | OUP | United Kingdom | |
26819 | Database and Network Journal | 02654490 | A.P. Publications Ltd. | United Kingdom | |
14336 | Datamation | 00116963 | EarthWeb | United States | |
17294 | Defence Science Journal | 0011748X | Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre | India | |
25396 | Design Automation for Embedded Systems | 09295585 | 15728080 | Springer | Netherlands |
28687 | Design Engineering (Toronto) | 00119342 | Rogers Media Publishing Ltd. | Canada | |
144972 | Design Issues | 07479360 | University of Illinois Press | United States | |
147203 | Design Journal | 14606925 | Ashgate Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom | |
36450 | Design Studies | 0142694X | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
25862 | Designs, Codes, and Cryptography | 09251022 | 15737586 | Springer | Netherlands |
21100239230 | Diagnostyka | 16416414 | Polish Society of Technical Diagnostics | Poland | |
6200180184 | Dianji yu Kongzhi Xuebao/Electric Machines and Control | 1007449X | Haerbin Ligong Daxue/Harbin University of Science and Technology | China | |
25397 | Dianli Xitong Zidonghua/Automation of Electric Power Systems | 10001026 | Nanjing Zidonghua Yanjiusuo/Nanjing Automation Research Institute | China | |
25878 | Differential Geometry and its Application | 09262245 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
21100265609 | Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage | 22120548 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
144891 | Digital Creativity | 14626268 | Intellect Publishers | United Kingdom | |
21100238613 | Digital Education Review | 20139144 | Universitat de Barcelona | Spain | |
27728 | Digital Investigation | 17422876 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
24306 | Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal | 10512004 | 10954333 | Elsevier | United States |
4900152809 | Digital Textile | 17421128 | World Textile Publications Ltd | United States | |
22545 | Diqiu Kexue - Zhongguo Dizhi Daxue Xuebao/Earth Science - Journal of China University of Geosciences | 10002383 | Gai Kan Bianjibu | China | |
25887 | Discrete and Computational Geometry | 01795376 | 14320444 | Springer | Germany |
78470 | Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science | 13658050 | Maison de l'informatique et des mathematiques discretes | France | |
28469 | Discrete Optimization | 15725286 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
67926 | Display and Imaging | 09185704 | Science Communications International | Japan | |
25061 | Displays | 01419382 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
24907 | Distributed Computing | 01782770 | 14320452 | Springer | Germany |
8700153102 | Distributed Systems Engineering | 09671846 | 13616390 | IEE | United Kingdom |
16040 | Dongbei Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northeastern University | 10053026 | Dongbei Daxue | China | |
18637 | Dr. Dobb's Journal | 1044789X | CMP Media LLC | United States | |
19700177406 | Dynamic Games and Applications | 21530785 | 21530793 | Springer | United States |
24927 | Dynamical Systems | 14689367 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom | |
5200152610 | ECN Electronic Component News | 15233081 | Cahners Business Information | United States | |
3100147401 | Ecological Informatics | 15749541 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
13560 | Ecological Psychology | 10407413 | 15326969 | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States |
30232 | Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research | 05857511 | Editura Academia de studii economice | Romania | |
4700152768 | EContent | 15252531 | Online Inc | United States | |
19700190343 | EDPACS | 07366981 | 19361009 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
29335 | Education for Information | 01678329 | IOS Press | Netherlands | |
21100259509 | E-Informatica Software Engineering Journal | 18977979 | 20844840 | Wroclaw University of Technology | Poland |
17600155133 | E-Learning | 17418887 | Symposium Journals Ltd., | United Kingdom | |
145669 | Electronic Commerce Research | 13895753 | Springer | Netherlands | |
15057 | Electronic Commerce Research and Applications | 15674223 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
3200147702 | Electronic Government | 17407494 | 17407508 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
26389 | Electronic Journal of Combinatorics | 10778926 | 10971440 | Electronic Journal of Combinatorics | United States |
21100201056 | Electronic Journal of e-Learning | 14794403 | Academic Publishing Limited | United Kingdom | |
21100201977 | Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries | 16814835 | Department of Information Systems, City University of Hong Kong | China | |
15072 | Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction | 14006529 | 14036835 | Kungliga Tenkniska Hoegskolan/Royal Institute of technology | Sweden |
21100198475 | Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis | 15775097 | Centre de Visio per Computador | Spain | |
15420 | Electronic Library | 02640473 | Learned Information | United Kingdom | |
19600157911 | Electronic Markets | 10196781 | Springer | Germany | |
18300156706 | Electronic News | 19312431 | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States | |
20569 | Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science | 15710661 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
31213 | Electronics & communications in Japan | 04248368 | Scripta Pub Co. | United States | |
61637 | Electronics and Communication Engineering Journal | 09540695 | IEE | United Kingdom | |
19700188800 | Electronics and Communications in Japan | 19429533 | Scripta Technica | United States | |
24890 | Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part I: Communications (English translation of Denshi Tsushin Gakkai Ronbunshi) | 87566621 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States | |
24891 | Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part II: Electronics (English translation of Denshi Tsushin Gakkai Ronbunshi) | 8756663X | Scripta Technica | United States | |
21100211725 | Emerging Communication: Studies in New Technologies and Practices in Communication | 15667677 | 18798349 | IOS Press | Netherlands |
18650 | Empirical Software Engineering | 13823256 | 15737616 | Springer | Netherlands |
62932 | Energies | 19961073 | MDPI Open Access Publishing | Switzerland | |
24182 | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence | 09521976 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
19700201443 | Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics | 19942060 | 1997003X | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University | China |
18184 | Engineering Computations | 02644401 | Emerald | United Kingdom | |
73589 | Engineering Simulation | 10631100 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom | |
18186 | Engineering with Computers | 01770667 | 14355663 | Springer | Germany |
19400158708 | Entertainment Computing | 18759521 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
34838 | Environmental Software | 02669838 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
2600147402 | Ethics and Information Technology | 13881957 | Springer | Netherlands | |
24783 | ETRI Journal | 12256463 | Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute | South Korea | |
15618 | ETZ, Elektrotechnik und Automation | 09487387 | V D E Verlag GmbH | Germany | |
7500153121 | Eurasip Book Series on Signal Processing and Communications | 16872789 | Hindawi | Egypt | |
4000151614 | Eurasip Journal of Embedded Systems | 16873955 | 16873963 | Hindawi | Egypt |
15300154801 | Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing | 16876172 | Hindawi | Egypt | |
26646 | Eurasip Journal on Applied Signal Processing | 11108657 | 16870433 | Hindawi | Egypt |
4400151506 | Eurasip Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology | 16874145 | 16874153 | Hindawi | Egypt |
5200152707 | Eurasip Journal on Image and Video Processing | 16875176 | 16875281 | Hindawi | Egypt |
8700153310 | Eurasip Journal on Information Security | 16874161 | Hindawi | Egypt | |
18202 | Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking | 16871472 | 16871499 | Hindawi | Egypt |
26445 | European Journal of Combinatorics | 01956698 | 10959971 | Elsevier | United States |
15074 | European Journal of Information Systems | 0960085X | 14769344 | Macmillan | United Kingdom |
11200153571 | Evolutionary Bioinformatics | 11769343 | Libertas Academica | New Zealand | |
14500154734 | Evolutionary Intelligence | 18645909 | Springer | Germany | |
19700175286 | Evolving Systems | 18686478 | Springer | Germany | |
24185 | Expert Systems | 02664720 | 14680394 | Wiley-Blackwell | United Kingdom |
24201 | Expert Systems with Applications | 09574174 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
75740 | Failure and Lessons Learned in Information Technology Management | 1088128X | Cognizant Communication Corp. | United States | |
21100244835 | Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications | 09737006 | Pushpa Publishing House | India | |
18189 | Finite Elements in Analysis and Design | 0168874X | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
200147134 | First Monday | 13960466 | Wiley-Blackwell | Denmark | |
15026 | Flow Measurement and Instrumentation | 09555986 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
24980 | Formal Aspects of Computing | 09345043 | 1433299X | Springer | Germany |
12262 | Formal Methods in System Design | 09259856 | 15728102 | Springer | Netherlands |
4000151805 | Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory | 15672190 | 15672328 | Now Publishers Inc. | United States |
5100155078 | Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision | 15722740 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
19700186873 | Foundations and Trends in Databases | 19317883 | Now Publishers Inc. | United States | |
4700152807 | Foundations and Trends in Electronic Design Automation | 15513939 | 15513947 | Now Publishers Inc. | United States |
9000153101 | Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction | 15513955 | 15513963 | Now Publishers Inc. | United States |
5100155071 | Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval | 15540669 | 15540677 | Now Publishers Inc. | United States |
19300156903 | Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning | 19358237 | Now Publishers Inc. | United States | |
4700152794 | Foundations and Trends in Networking | 1554057X | 15540588 | Now Publishers Inc. | United States |
19600166419 | Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing | 19328346 | 19328354 | Now Publishers Inc. | United States |
5000154609 | Foundations and Trends in Web Science | 1555077X | 15550788 | Now Publishers Inc. | United States |
11200153531 | Foundations of Artificial Intelligence | 15746526 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
28470 | Foundations of Computational Mathematics | 16153375 | 16153383 | Springer | Germany |
21100208036 | Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences | 08676356 | 23003405 | Walter de Gruyter | Germany |
19500157321 | Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications | 09226389 | 15356698 | IOS Press | Netherlands |
19700175167 | Frontiers in Neuroinformatics | 16625196 | Frontiers Research Foundation | Switzerland | |
21100199837 | Frontiers in Neurorobotics | 16625218 | Frontiers Research Foundation | Switzerland | |
21100200426 | Frontiers of Computer Science | 20952228 | 20952236 | Springer | Germany |
6200180186 | Frontiers of Computer Science in China | 16737350 | 16737466 | Gaodeng Jiaoyu Chubanshe | China |
25428 | Frontline Solutions | 15286363 | Advanstar Communications Inc. | United States | |
16740 | Fujitsu Scientific and Technical Journal | 00162523 | Fujitsu Limted | Japan | |
28474 | Fundamenta Informaticae | 01692968 | IOS Press | Netherlands | |
12264 | Future Generation Computer Systems | 0167739X | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
24207 | Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making | 15684539 | 15732908 | Springer | Netherlands |
26529 | Fuzzy Sets and Systems | 01650114 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
11600153433 | Games and Culture | 15554120 | SAGE | United States | |
19700174894 | Gene Regulation and Systems Biology | 11776250 | Libertas Academica | New Zealand | |
24208 | Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines | 13892576 | 15737632 | Springer | Netherlands |
24506 | GeoInformatica | 13846175 | 15737624 | Springer | Netherlands |
21100364441 | gis.Science - Die Zeitschrift fur Geoinformatik | 18699391 | Wichmann Verlag | Germany | |
6000195384 | GIS-Zeitschrift für Geoinformatik | 18699391 | Wichmann Verlag | Germany | |
19700201403 | Global Journal of Engineering Education | 13283154 | World Institute for Engineering and Technology Education (WIETE) | Australia | |
27898 | Graficas | 00172901 | Blasco de Garay | Spain | |
25515 | Graphical Models | 15240703 | 15240711 | Elsevier | United States |
36249 | Graphical Models and Image Processing | 10773169 | Elsevier | United States | |
21100199333 | Groups, Complexity, Cryptology | 18671144 | 18696104 | Walter de Gruyter | Germany |
19700188366 | Gyroscopy and Navigation | 20751087 | 20751109 | Springer | Germany |
17700155018 | Handbook of Computational Economics | 15740021 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
80073 | Hewlett-Packard Journal | 00181153 | Hewlett-Packard Company | United States | |
12667 | High Technology Letters | 10066748 | Science Press | China | |
25517 | Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation | 13883690 | 15730557 | Springer | Netherlands |
25975 | Hitachi Review | 0018277X | Hitachi Ltd. | Japan | |
54616 | HP Laboratories Technical Report | Hewlett-Packard Company | United States | ||
22382 | Huazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition) | 16714512 | Huazhong Keji Daxue/Huazhong University of Science and Technology | China | |
19700180803 | Human Factors in Information Technology | 09238433 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
56074 | Human IT | 14021501 | Hoegskolan i Boraas | Sweden | |
21100358314 | Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences | 21921962 | Springer | United States | |
25019 | Human-Computer Interaction | 07370024 | 15327051 | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States |
15900154752 | IAENG International Journal of Computer Science | 1819656X | 18199224 | International Association of Engineers | Hong Kong |
21100241782 | Ibersid | 18880967 | Universidad de Zaragoza | Spain | |
15099 | IBM Journal of Research and Development | 00188646 | IBM Corp. | United States | |
15101 | IBM Systems Journal | 00188670 | IBM Corp. | United States | |
4500151521 | ICGA Journal | 13896911 | International Computer Games Association | Netherlands | |
17300154986 | ICIC Express Letters | 1881803X | ICIC Express Letters Office | Japan | |
19700181115 | ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications | 21852766 | IEEE | United States | |
18262 | IEE Communications Engineer | 14798352 | IEE | United Kingdom | |
82277 | IEE Electronics Systems and Software | 14798336 | IEE | United Kingdom | |
70617 | IEE Proceedings E: Computers and Digital Techniques | 01437062 | IEE | United Kingdom | |
39742 | IEE Proceedings, Part F: Communications, Radar and Signal Processing | 01437070 | IEE | United Kingdom | |
85885 | IEE proceedings. Software engineering | 13645080 | IEE | United Kingdom | |
14941 | IEE Proceedings: Computers and Digital Techniques | 13502387 | 13597027 | IEE | United Kingdom |
17416 | IEE Proceedings: Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation | 13502417 | 1359706X | IEE | United Kingdom |
9500153902 | IEE Proceedings: Optoelectronics | 13502433 | 13597078 | IEE | United Kingdom |
17418 | IEE Proceedings: Radar, Sonar and Navigation | 13502395 | 13597086 | IEE | United Kingdom |
18713 | IEE Proceedings: Software | 14625970 | IEE | United Kingdom | |
17420 | IEE Proceedings: Vision, Image and Signal Processing | 1350245X | 13597108 | IEE | United Kingdom |
21100374601 | IEEE Access | 21693536 | IEEE | United States | |
25021 | IEEE Annals of the History of Computing | 10586180 | IEEE | United States | |
26004 | IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine | 1531636X | IEEE | United States | |
21100373966 | IEEE Cloud Computing | 23256095 | IEEE | United States | |
18896 | IEEE Communications Letters | 10897798 | IEEE | United States | |
17249 | IEEE Communications Magazine | 01636804 | IEEE | United States | |
4000148905 | IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine | 1556603X | IEEE | United States | |
30423 | IEEE Computer Applications in Power | 08950156 | IEEE | United States | |
5200152635 | IEEE Computer Architecture Letters | 15566056 | IEEE | United States | |
25518 | IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications | 02721716 | IEEE | United States | |
21100337101 | IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine | 21622256 | IEEE | United States | |
21100286806 | IEEE Design and Test | 21682356 | IEEE | United States | |
26666 | IEEE Design and Test of Computers | 07407475 | IEEE | United States | |
12269 | IEEE Distributed Systems Online | 15414922 | IEEE | United States | |
21100337901 | IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine | 21622272 | IEEE | United States | |
19700177026 | IEEE Embedded Systems Letters | 19430663 | 19430671 | IEEE | United States |
29780 | IEEE Engineering Management Review | 03608581 | IEEE | United States | |
21100338322 | IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine | 21686831 | IEEE | United States | |
110111 | IEEE Intelligent Systems | 15411672 | IEEE | United States | |
26668 | IEEE Intelligent Systems and Their Applications | 10947167 | IEEE | United States | |
18300156720 | IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine | 19391390 | IEEE | United States | |
16875 | IEEE Internet Computing | 10897801 | IEEE | United States | |
21100256982 | IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics | 21682194 | 21682208 | IEEE | United States |
18902 | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications | 07338716 | IEEE | United States | |
5900153311 | IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing | 19324553 | IEEE | United States | |
19700181218 | IEEE Latin America Transactions | 15480992 | IEEE | United States | |
15463 | IEEE Micro | 02721732 | IEEE | United States | |
25531 | IEEE Multimedia | 1070986X | IEEE | United States | |
27239 | IEEE Network | 08908044 | IEEE | United States | |
84220 | IEEE Parallel and Distributed Technology | 10636552 | IEEE | United States | |
25022 | IEEE Pervasive Computing | 15361268 | IEEE | United States | |
18027 | IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine | 10709932 | IEEE | United States | |
28916 | IEEE Security and Privacy | 15407993 | IEEE | United States | |
17316 | IEEE Signal Processing Letters | 10709908 | IEEE | United States | |
12996 | IEEE Signal Processing Magazine | 10535888 | IEEE | United States | |
18709 | IEEE Software | 07407459 | IEEE | United States | |
21100388715 | IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine | 2333942X | IEEE | United States | |
31560 | IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing | 00963518 | IEEE | United States | |
19700177034 | IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing | 19493045 | IEEE | United States | |
17339 | IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control | 00189286 | IEEE | United States | |
19700177024 | IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development | 19430604 | 19430612 | IEEE | United States |
34461 | IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing | 10577130 | IEEE | United States | |
21100338351 | IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing | 21687161 | IEEE | United States | |
19700177025 | IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games | 1943068X | 19430698 | IEEE | United States |
21100364916 | IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems | 2329924X | IEEE | United States | |
27724 | IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems | 02780070 | IEEE | United States | |
25033 | IEEE Transactions on Computers | 00189340 | IEEE | United States | |
21100358105 | IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems | 23255870 | IEEE | United States | |
21100274221 | IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics | 21682267 | IEEE | United States | |
21100338508 | IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing | 21686750 | IEEE | United States | |
25037 | IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation | 1089778X | IEEE | United States | |
24242 | IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems | 10636706 | IEEE | United States | |
12100154405 | IEEE Transactions on Haptics | 19391412 | IEEE | United States | |
21100285028 | IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems | 21682291 | IEEE | United States | |
25534 | IEEE Transactions on Image Processing | 10577149 | IEEE | United States | |
26053 | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics | 02780046 | IEEE | United States | |
144912 | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics | 15513203 | IEEE | United States | |
4000149002 | IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security | 15566013 | IEEE | United States | |
15107 | IEEE Transactions on Information Theory | 00189448 | IEEE | United States | |
18378 | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems | 15249050 | IEEE | United States | |
17362 | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering | 10414347 | IEEE | United States | |
19700167026 | IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies | 19391382 | IEEE | United States | |
16733 | IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging | 02780062 | IEEE | United States | |
25038 | IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing | 15361233 | IEEE | United States | |
16211 | IEEE Transactions on Multimedia | 15209210 | IEEE | United States | |
16319 | IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience | 15361241 | IEEE | United States | |
15464 | IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology | 1536125X | IEEE | United States | |
7200153156 | IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management | 19324537 | IEEE | United States | |
21100372437 | IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering | 23274697 | IEEE | United States | |
24243 | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks | 10459227 | IEEE | United States | |
21100235616 | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems | 2162237X | IEEE | United States | |
26098 | IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems | 10459219 | IEEE | United States | |
24254 | IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence | 01628828 | IEEE | United States | |
95101 | IEEE Transactions on Robotics | 15523098 | IEEE | United States | |
17391 | IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing | 1053587X | IEEE | United States | |
19700170610 | IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid | 19493053 | IEEE | United States | |
18711 | IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering | 00985589 | IEEE | United States | |
12952 | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part A: Systems and Humans. | 10834427 | IEEE | United States | |
12955 | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part B: Cybernetics | 10834419 | IEEE | United States | |
12957 | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews | 10946977 | IEEE | United States | |
21100262320 | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems | 21682216 | IEEE | United States | |
17393 | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | 00189545 | IEEE | United States | |
12300 | IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems | 10638210 | IEEE | United States | |
25535 | IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics | 10772626 | IEEE | United States | |
18933 | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | 15361276 | IEEE | United States | |
18935 | IEEE Wireless Communications | 15361284 | IEEE | United States | |
27237 | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking | 10636692 | IEEE | United States | |
21100368801 | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing | 23299290 | 23299304 | IEEE | United States |
19113 | IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics | 10834435 | IEEE | United States | |
21100367773 | IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica | 23299274 | IEEE | United States | |
18936 | IEICE Transactions on Communications | 09168516 | OUP | United Kingdom | |
26076 | IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences | 09168508 | OUP | United Kingdom | |
15109 | IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems | 09168532 | OUP | United Kingdom | |
21100216567 | IET Biometrics | 20474938 | 20474946 | The Institution of Engineering and Technology | United Kingdom |
5300152202 | IET Communications | 17518628 | Institution of Engineering and Technology | United Kingdom | |
7000153231 | IET Computer Vision | 17519632 | 17519640 | Institution of Engineering and Technology | United Kingdom |
5800173367 | IET Computers and Digital Techniques | 17518601 | 1751861X | Institution of Engineering and Technology | United Kingdom |
5100155079 | IET Control Theory and Applications | 17518644 | Institution of Engineering and Technology | United Kingdom | |
5400152646 | IET Image Processing | 17519659 | IEE | United Kingdom | |
5400152640 | IET Information Security | 17518709 | Institution of Engineering and Technology | United Kingdom | |
6100153106 | IET Signal Processing | 17519675 | 17519683 | Institution of Engineering and Technology | United Kingdom |
5400152714 | IET Software | 17518806 | Institution of Engineering and Technology | United Kingdom | |
130012 | IETE Journal of Research | 03772063 | 0974780X | Wolters Kluwer Health | India |
58506 | Imaging and Document Solutions | 15226085 | Miller Freeman | United States | |
25962 | Imaging Science Journal | 13682199 | Maney Publishing | United Kingdom | |
6400153144 | Immunome Research | 17457580 | OMICS Publishing Group | India | |
17974 | In Silico Biology | 13866338 | 14343207 | IOS Press | Netherlands |
57988 | Industrial Computing | 10450203 | ISA Services Inc | United States | |
29836 | Industrial Engineer | 1542894X | Institute of Industrial Engineers | United States | |
19170 | Industrial Management and Data Systems | 02635577 | Emerald | United Kingdom | |
18047 | Industrial Robot | 0143991X | Emerald | United Kingdom | |
19900191878 | Infocommunications Journal | 20612079 | 20612125 | Scientific Association for Infocommunications | Hungary |
14363 | INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research | 03155986 | University of Toronto Press | Canada | |
22476 | Informacion Tecnologica | 07168756 | Centro de Informacion Tecnologica | Chile | |
25461 | Informatica | 08684952 | Lithuanian Academy of Sciences | Lithuania | |
25507 | Informatica (Ljubljana) | 03505596 | Slovensko Drustvo Informatika | Slovenia | |
4100151705 | Informatics in Education | 16485831 | Institute of Mathematics and Informatics | Lithuania | |
12958 | Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung | 01783564 | 09492925 | Springer | Germany |
145041 | Informatik-Spektrum | 01706012 | Springer | Germany | |
21100201065 | Information | 13434500 | International Information Institute | Japan | |
21100223111 | Information (Switzerland) | 20782489 | MDPI Open Access Publishing | Switzerland | |
5800213394 | Information and Communications Technology Law | 13600834 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom | |
25509 | Information and Computation | 08905401 | 10902651 | Elsevier | United States |
21100294000 | Information and Control | 10020411 | xin xi yu kong zhi bian ji bu | China | |
29745 | Information and Organization | 14717727 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
18732 | Information and Software Technology | 09505849 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
25550 | Information Display | 03620972 | Society of Information Display | United States | |
26099 | Information Fusion | 15662535 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
21100205723 | Information Interaction Intelligence | 1630649X | Cepadues | France | |
21100200653 | Information Polity | 15701255 | 18758754 | IOS Press | Netherlands |
14388 | Information Processing Letters | 00200190 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
15133 | Information Retrieval | 13864564 | 15737659 | Springer | Netherlands |
19700177036 | Information Sciences and Technology | 17355206 | Iranian Research Institute for Scientific Information and Documentation | Iran, Islamic Republic of | |
28920 | Information Security Technical Report | 13634127 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
15135 | Information Services and Use | 01675265 | IOS Press | Netherlands | |
15136 | Information Society | 01972243 | 10876537 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
12305 | Information Systems | 03064379 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
144936 | Information Systems and e-Business Management | 16179846 | Springer | Germany | |
15572 | Information Systems Frontiers | 13873326 | 15729419 | Springer | Netherlands |
12321 | Information Systems Journal | 13501917 | 13652575 | Wiley-Blackwell | United Kingdom |
15442 | Information Systems Management | 10580530 | Auerbach Publications | United States | |
19700174611 | Information Technology and Control | 1392124X | Kaunas University of Technology | Lithuania | |
14541 | Information Technology and Disabilities | 10735127 | EASI: Equal Access to Software and Information | United States | |
12709 | Information Technology and Libraries | 07309295 | American Library Association | United States | |
144639 | Information Technology and Management | 1385951X | 15737667 | Springer | Netherlands |
130132 | Information Technology and People | 09593845 | Northwind Publications, Ltd. | United States | |
21100304858 | Information Technology and Tourism | 10983058 | 19434294 | Springer | United States |
14789 | Information Technology for Development | 02681102 | IOS Press | Netherlands | |
3900148407 | Information Technology Journal | 18125638 | 18125646 | Asian Network for Scientific Information | Pakistan |
145387 | Information Technology Newsletter | 10577939 | U.S. General Services Administration | United States | |
4700151613 | Information Visualization | 14738716 | 14738724 | Macmillan | United Kingdom |
144943 | Infosecurity Today | 17426847 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
21100202935 | Ingenierie des Systemes d'Information | 16331311 | Hermes | United Kingdom | |
300147006 | Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering | 16145046 | 16145054 | Springer | Germany |
18197 | Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering | 10692509 | IOS Press | Netherlands | |
83687 | Integrated Manufacturing Systems | 09576061 | Emerald | United Kingdom | |
17932 | Integration, the VLSI Journal | 01679260 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
24258 | Inteligencia Artificial | 11373601 | Asociacion Espanola de Inteligencia Artificial | Spain | |
25476 | Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing | 10798587 | AutoSoft Press | United States | |
19700200870 | Intelligent Buildings International | 17508975 | 17566932 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
11300153726 | Intelligent Data Analysis | 1088467X | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
21100211724 | Intelligent Decision Technologies | 18724981 | IOS Press | Netherlands | |
100185 | Intelligent Instruments and Computers, Applications in the Laboratory | 08898308 | Hüthig | Germany | |
9500154152 | Intelligent Service Robotics | 18612776 | Springer | Germany | |
21100298204 | Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering | 22138986 | 22138994 | Springer | United States |
25547 | Interacting with Computers | 09535438 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
4000148705 | Interactions | 10725520 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
145681 | Interactive Learning Environments | 10494820 | Swets & Zeitlinger | Netherlands | |
25556 | Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer - Enhanced Learning | 15259102 | Wake Forest University | United States | |
19500157821 | International Arab Journal of Information Technology | 16833198 | Zarka Private University | Jordan | |
21100285411 | International Conference on Geoinformatics | 2161024X | International Association of Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Sciences | United States | |
21100286309 | International Conference on Systems Biology, ISB | 23250704 | IEEE | United States | |
26693 | International Journal for Engineering Modelling | 13301365 | University of Split | Croatia | |
4700151736 | International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering | 15431649 | Begell House | United States | |
19700174683 | International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering | 20407939 | Wiley-Blackwell | United Kingdom | |
18534 | International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids | 02712091 | 10970363 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
21100268400 | International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education | 17442710 | Centre for Teaching Mathematics, University of Plymouth | United Kingdom | |
19900192586 | International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology | 22337849 | Science and Engineering Research Support Society | South Korea | |
5800179613 | International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing | 17438225 | 17438233 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
17960 | International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing | 08906327 | 10991115 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
20400195003 | International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms | 17550386 | 17550394 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
20428 | International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology | 02683768 | 14333015 | Springer | Germany |
144749 | International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems | 17298806 | Vienna University of Technology | Austria | |
19700200841 | International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology | 20058039 | Advanced Institute of Convergence Information Technology Research Center | South Korea | |
21100201505 | International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and its Applications | 20748523 | International Center for Scientific Research and Studies (ICSRS) | Jordan | |
17100154707 | International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering | 17461375 | 17461383 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
21100207605 | International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems | 19473192 | 19473206 | IGI Global | United States |
19700186849 | International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence | 19416237 | 19416245 | IGI Global | United States |
21100198552 | International Journal of Applied Cryptography | 17530563 | 17530571 | Inderscience | Switzerland |
4500151509 | International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science | 1641876X | Technical University Press | Poland | |
24286 | International Journal of Approximate Reasoning | 0888613X | 18734731 | Elsevier | Netherlands |
19900192316 | International Journal of Architectural Computing | 14780771 | Multi-Science Publishing Co Ltd. | United Kingdom | |
19600166036 | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence | 09740635 | CESER Publications | India | |
19600156811 | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education | 15604292 | 15604306 | International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society | Netherlands |
21100199535 | International Journal of Arts and Technology | 17548853 | Inderscience | Switzerland | |
5200152703 | International Journal of Automation and Computing | 14768186 | Springer | Germany | |
19700186851 | International Journal of Automation and Control | 17407516 | 17407524 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
21100327713 | International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology | 22239766 | Chinese Institute of Automation Engineers (CIAE) | Taiwan | |
20400195011 | International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems | 17548632 | 17548640 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
21609 | International Journal of Aviation Psychology | 10508414 | 15327108 | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States |
21100203119 | International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation | 17580366 | 17580374 | Inderscience | Switzerland |
17700155303 | International Journal of Biometrics | 17558301 | 1755831X | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
12100156732 | International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking | 15480631 | 1548064X | IGI Global | United States |
21100228541 | International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction | 22128689 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
17963 | International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications | 00989886 | 1097007X | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
20000195053 | International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing | 19984464 | North Atlantic University Union NAUN | United States | |
19700186872 | International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence | 15573958 | 15573966 | IGI Global | United States |
12754 | International Journal of COMADEM | 13637681 | COMADEM International | United Kingdom | |
21100198205 | International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems | 17543916 | 17543924 | Inderscience | Switzerland |
19900195075 | International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security | 20760930 | 2073607X | Institute of Information Technology, Kohat University of Science and Technology | Pakistan |
17964 | International Journal of Communication Systems | 10745351 | 10991131 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
16800154716 | International Journal of Computational and Mathematical Sciences | 20703910 | World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology | France | |
19600161802 | International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design | 17560756 | 17560764 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
86907 | International Journal of Computational Engineering Science | 14658763 | Imperial College Press | United Kingdom | |
28477 | International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications | 02181959 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
14500154706 | International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications | 14690268 | Imperial College Press | United Kingdom | |
17800156712 | International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems | 18756891 | 18756883 | Atlantis Press | Netherlands |
17700155710 | International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering | 17533465 | 17533473 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
4900152403 | International Journal of Computational Methods | 02198762 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
6100152804 | International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering | 17427185 | 17427193 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
21100211768 | International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics | 17529131 | 1752914X | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
21100220382 | International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology | 17572657 | 17572665 | Inderscience | Switzerland |
36679 | International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences | 00917036 | Springer | United States | |
19266 | International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology | 09528091 | Inderscience | United Kingdom | |
19700186865 | International Journal of Computer Games Technology | 16877047 | 16877055 | Hindawi | Egypt |
18198 | International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing | 0951192X | 13623052 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
28494 | International Journal of Computer Mathematics | 00207160 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom | |
17600155113 | International Journal of Computer Science and Applications | 09729038 | Technomathematics Research Foundation | India | |
21100224419 | International Journal of Computer Science in Sport | 16844769 | International Association of Computer Science in Sport | Austria | |
72242 | International Journal of Computer Vision | 09205691 | Springer | Netherlands | |
25612 | International Journal of Computerized Dentistry | 14634201 | Quintessenz Verlags GmbH | Germany | |
15484 | International Journal of Computers and Applications | 1206212X | International Society for Mini and Microcomputers | Canada | |
20400195016 | International Journal of Computers and their Applications | 10765204 | International Society for Computers and Their Applications (ISCA) | United States | |
28495 | International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning | 13823892 | 15731766 | Springer | Netherlands |
11800154542 | International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control | 18419836 | Agora University | Romania | |
4700152632 | International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning | 15561607 | 15561615 | Springer | Germany |
18700156724 | International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics | 17525055 | 17525063 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
12342 | International Journal of Control | 00207179 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom | |
21100231630 | International Journal of Control Theory and Applications | 09745572 | Serials Publications | India | |
25479 | International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems | 15986446 | Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers | South Korea | |
15629 | International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems | 02188430 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
21100242251 | International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems | 17578779 | 17578787 | Inderscience | Switzerland |
10700153302 | International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics | 17485673 | 17485681 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
21100199341 | International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management | 17591163 | 17591171 | Inderscience | Switzerland |
11900154399 | International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining | 15483924 | 15483932 | IGI Global | United States |
21100201512 | International Journal of Decision Support System Technology | 19416296 | 1941630X | IGI Global | United States |
17600155397 | International Journal of Design | 19913761 | National Taiwan University of Science and Technology | Taiwan | |
25567 | International Journal of Design Computing | 13297147 | University of Sydney | Australia | |
19700186877 | International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications | 19759339 | Advanced Institute of Convergence Information Technology Research Center | South Korea | |
19700186847 | International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics | 19416210 | 19416229 | IGI Global | United States |
19700187627 | International Journal of Digital Earth | 17538947 | 17538955 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
145056 | International Journal of Distance Education Technologies | 15393100 | IGI Global | United States | |
5800173381 | International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks | 15501329 | 15501477 | Taylor & Francis | United States |
21100223333 | International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies | 19473532 | IGI Global | United States | |
12100154806 | International Journal of e-Business Research | 15481131 | 1548114X | IGI Global | United States |
12000154321 | International Journal of e-Collaboration | 15483673 | 15483681 | IGI Global | United States |
21100227425 | International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications | 1947315X | IGI Global | United States | |
21100373959 | International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | 20888708 | Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) | Indonesia | |
21100247039 | International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies | 20739729 | Academy of Taiwan Information Systems Research | Taiwan | |
21100301442 | International Journal of Electronic Governance | 17427509 | Inderscience | Switzerland | |
12000154348 | International Journal of Electronic Government Research | 15483886 | 15483894 | IGI Global | United States |
12600154734 | International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics | 1751911X | 17519128 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
20000195009 | International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications | 20818491 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
21100228019 | International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems | 19473176 | 19473184 | IGI Global | United States |
12100157172 | International Journal of Embedded Systems | 17411068 | 17411076 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
78090 | International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications | 09691170 | C R L Publishing Ltd. | United Kingdom | |
4700152641 | International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science | 01290541 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
21100301444 | International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications | 2156177X | 21561761 | IGI Global | United States |
12358 | International Journal of Fuzzy Systems | 15622479 | Chinese Fuzzy Systems Association | Taiwan | |
19700186859 | International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations | 19423888 | 19423896 | IGI Global | United States |
12360 | International Journal of General Systems | 03081079 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom | |
28040 | International Journal of Geographical Information Science | 13658816 | 13658824 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
19700186848 | International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing | 19380259 | 19380267 | IGI Global | United States |
14100154713 | International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing | 1741847X | 17418488 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
21463 | International Journal of Health Geographics | 1476072X | Springer | United Kingdom | |
12400154721 | International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking | 17400562 | 17400570 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
19268 | International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications | 10943420 | SAGE | United States | |
19600166211 | International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture | 17516528 | 17516536 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
28322 | International Journal of High Speed Computing | 01290533 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
26149 | International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems | 01291564 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
21100223336 | International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals | 19473478 | 19473486 | IGI Global | United States |
12960 | International Journal of Human Computer Studies | 10715819 | 10959300 | Elsevier | United States |
19420 | International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction | 10447318 | 15327590 | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States |
4700152208 | International Journal of Humanoid Robotics | 02198436 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
19700188257 | International Journal of Image and Data Fusion | 19479832 | 19479824 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
19600166035 | International Journal of Imaging | 09740627 | India | ||
20500195139 | International Journal of Imaging and Robotics | 2231525X | CESER Publications | India | |
35932 | International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology | 08999457 | 10981098 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
17700156776 | International Journal of Information and Communication Technology | 14666642 | 17418070 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
12000154349 | International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education | 15501876 | 15501337 | IGI Global | United States |
19400156805 | International Journal of Information and Computer Security | 17441765 | 17441773 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
15631 | International Journal of Information Management | 02684012 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
19900192034 | International Journal of Information Quality | 17510457 | 17510465 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
145326 | International Journal of Information Security | 16155262 | 16155270 | Springer | Germany |
19800188053 | International Journal of Information Security and Privacy | 19301650 | 19301669 | IGI Global | United States |
21100223332 | International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design | 19478186 | 19478194 | IGI Global | United States |
21100198470 | International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management | 19355726 | The Information Resources Management Association (IRMA) | United States | |
21100241217 | International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach | 1935570X | 19355718 | IGI Global | United States |
4700152646 | International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making | 02196220 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
14411 | International Journal of Information Technology and Management | 14614111 | 17415179 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
11900154400 | International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering | 15541045 | 15541053 | IGI Global | United States |
17800156773 | International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications | 1751648X | 17516498 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
12000154489 | International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control | 13494198 | Kyushu Tokai University | Japan | |
19700182406 | International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics | 1756378X | Emerald | United Kingdom | |
21100241730 | International Journal of Intelligent Computing in Medical Sciences and Image Processing | 1931308X | 23260068 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
21100199790 | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems | 2185310X | 21853118 | Intelligent Networks and Systems Society | Japan |
15700154703 | International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems | 17515858 | 17515866 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
21100284977 | International Journal of Intelligent Mechatronics and Robotics | 21561664 | 21561656 | IGI Global | United States |
24305 | International Journal of Intelligent Systems | 08848173 | 1098111X | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
21100198230 | International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications | 17408865 | 17408873 | Inderscience | Switzerland |
5800179618 | International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology | 17438209 | 17438217 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
21100242240 | International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions | 1748569X | 17485703 | Inderscience | Switzerland |
12000154351 | International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research | 15393062 | 15393054 | IGI Global | United States |
12000154350 | International Journal of Knowledge Management | 15480666 | IGI Global | United States | |
19900193685 | International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems | 13272314 | 18758827 | IOS Press | Netherlands |
19900192593 | International Journal of Machine Consciousness | 17938430 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
19700177336 | International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics | 18688071 | 1868808X | Springer | United States |
11200153523 | International Journal of Manufacturing Research | 17500591 | 17500605 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
17700156720 | International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation | 19980159 | North Atlantic University Union | United States | |
21100325719 | International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation | 20451059 | 20451067 | Inderscience | Switzerland |
5000154502 | International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery | 14785951 | 1478596X | Wiley-Blackwell | United Kingdom |
8300153137 | International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies | 17442621 | 1744263X | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
25570 | International Journal of Micrographics and Optical Technology | 09589961 | Research Information Ltd. | United Kingdom | |
21100201516 | International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning | 19418647 | IGI Global | United States | |
19511 | International Journal of Mobile Communications | 1470949X | 17415217 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
19700186844 | International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications | 19379412 | 19379404 | IGI Global | United States |
21100220473 | International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction | 1942390X | The Information Resources Management Association (IRMA) | United States | |
21100220372 | International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation | 1746725X | Inderscience | Switzerland | |
6700153285 | International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation | 17442869 | 17442850 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
19900192598 | International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing | 17939623 | 17939615 | World Scientific | Singapore |
21112 | International Journal of Modelling and Simulation | 02286203 | ACTA Press | Canada | |
5800207506 | International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control | 17466172 | 17466180 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
28077 | International Journal of Modern Physics C | 01291831 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
25879 | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | 14220067 | MDPI Open Access Publishing | Switzerland | |
21100197523 | International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering | 19750080 | Science and Engineering Research Support Society | South Korea | |
15489 | International Journal of Nanoscience | 0219581X | World Scientific | Singapore | |
19513 | International Journal of Network Management | 10557148 | 10991190 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
20000195080 | International Journal of Network Security | 1816353X | 18163548 | National Chung Hsing University | Taiwan |
24309 | International Journal of Neural Systems | 01290657 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
16215 | International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow | 09615539 | Emerald | United Kingdom | |
18200 | International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields | 08943370 | 10991204 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
19700186842 | International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes | 19423926 | 19423934 | IGI Global | United States |
17986 | International Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems and Networks | 12062138 | A C T Press | United States | |
28325 | International Journal of Parallel Programming | 08857458 | Springer | Netherlands | |
100147332 | International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems | 17445760 | 17445779 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
24310 | International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence | 02180014 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
21100242605 | International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications | 17427371 | Emerald | United Kingdom | |
21100283367 | International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management | 21532648 | PHM Society | United States | |
21100198223 | International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems | 17550556 | 17550564 | Inderscience | Switzerland |
19700182337 | International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing | 16877195 | 16877209 | Hindawi | Egypt |
12415 | International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering | 02185393 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
18201 | International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering | 10964290 | 1099047X | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
25482 | International Journal of Robotics and Automation | 08268185 | ACTA Press | Canada | |
18050 | International Journal of Robotics Research | 02783649 | SAGE | United States | |
70506 | International Journal of Satellite Communications | 07372884 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States | |
21100199112 | International Journal of Security and its Applications | 17389976 | Science and Engineering Research Support Society | South Korea | |
16800154719 | International Journal of Security and Networks | 17478405 | 17478413 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
19900192159 | International Journal of Sensor Networks | 17481279 | 17481287 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
19699 | International Journal of Services, Technology and Management | 14606720 | 1741525X | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
25572 | International Journal of Shape Modeling | 02186543 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
7900153143 | International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling | 17402123 | 17402131 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
144698 | International Journal of Simulation Modelling | 17264529 | DAAAM International Vienna | Austria | |
19700182218 | International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology | 1473804X | 14738031 | United Kingdom Simulation Society | United Kingdom |
89134 | International Journal of Smart Engineering System Design | 10255818 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom | |
20200195004 | International Journal of Smart Home | 19754094 | Science and Engineering Research Support Society | South Korea | |
19500157063 | International Journal of Social Robotics | 18754791 | 18754805 | Springer | Germany |
17200154704 | International Journal of Soft Computing | 18169503 | Medwell | Pakistan | |
21100199850 | International Journal of Software Engineering and its Applications | 17389984 | Science and Engineering Research Support Society | South Korea | |
19270 | International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering | 02181940 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
26802 | International Journal of Speech Technology | 13812416 | 15728110 | Springer | Netherlands |
51786 | International Journal of Supercomputer Applications and High Performance Computing | 10783482 | MIT Press | United States | |
19500157056 | International Journal of System of Systems Engineering | 17480671 | 1748068X | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
12419 | International Journal of Systems Science | 00207721 | 14645319 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
19700173022 | International Journal of Systems Signal Control and Engineering Application | 19975422 | Medwell | Pakistan | |
20000195008 | International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development | 17531942 | 17531950 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
21100258621 | International Journal of Technologies in Learning | 23270144 | 23272686 | Common Ground Publishing | United States |
11900154401 | International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction | 15483908 | 15483916 | IGI Global | United States |
21100220379 | International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning | 17535255 | 17535263 | Inderscience | Switzerland |
12763 | International Journal of Technology Management | 02675730 | 17415276 | Interscience Publishers | United Kingdom |
19700174917 | International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications | 16876415 | 16876423 | Hindawi | Egypt |
21100298063 | International Journal of Tomography and Simulation | 23193336 | CESER Publications | India | |
17700156502 | International Journal of Tomography and Statistics | 09729976 | 09737294 | Indian Society for Development and Environment Research | India |
21100383745 | International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology | 20054246 | Science and Engineering Research Support Society | Australia | |
24326 | International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowlege-Based Systems | 02184885 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
19700173244 | International Journal of Unconventional Computing | 15487199 | 15487202 | Old City Publishing | United States |
6100152807 | International Journal of Value Chain Management | 17415357 | 17415365 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
18700156728 | International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems | 14710242 | 17418208 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
19900193948 | International Journal of Vehicular Technology | 16875702 | 16875710 | Hindawi | Egypt |
21100200659 | International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments | 19478518 | 19478526 | IGI Global | United States |
4000149107 | International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing | 02196913 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
6700153282 | International Journal of Web and Grid Services | 17411106 | 17411114 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
19700186821 | International Journal of Web Based Communities | 14778394 | 17418216 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
15657 | International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology | 14761289 | 17419212 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
21100200660 | International Journal of Web Information Systems | 17440084 | Emerald | United Kingdom | |
19700186854 | International Journal of Web Portals | 19380194 | 19380208 | IGI Global | United States |
16947 | International Journal of Web Services Research | 15457362 | 15465004 | IGI Global | United States |
19400157202 | International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies | 15481093 | 15481107 | IGI Global | United States |
12100154817 | International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing | 17411084 | 17411092 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
19515 | International Journal of Wireless Information Networks | 10689605 | Springer | United States | |
21100220476 | International Journal of Work Innovation | 20439032 | 20439040 | Inderscience | Switzerland |
21100246541 | International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences | 19422660 | International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA) | United States | |
4700152645 | International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools | 02182130 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
21100331506 | International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation | 20395086 | Praise Worthy Prize | Italy | |
130138 | International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition | 14332833 | Springer | Germany | |
12000154536 | International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing | 19552513 | Springer | Germany | |
19271 | International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer | 14332779 | 14332787 | Springer | Germany |
18100156704 | International Review of Law, Computers and Technology | 13600869 | 13646885 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
18800156705 | International Review on Computers and Software | 18286003 | Praise Worthy Prize | Italy | |
16965 | Internet and Higher Education | 10967516 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
8000153115 | Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design | 15386414 | BioChem Press | United States | |
21100211105 | Internetworking Indonesia Journal | 19429703 | Internetworking Indonesia | United States | |
12424 | Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering | 17415977 | 17415985 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
21100210905 | i-Perception | 20416695 | Pion Ltd. | United Kingdom | |
21100203709 | IPSJ Online Transactions | 18826660 | Information Processing Society of Japan | Japan | |
19700201527 | IPSJ Transactions on Bioinformatics | 18826679 | Information Processing Society of Japan | Japan | |
19700201529 | IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications | 18826695 | Information Processing Society of Japan | Japan | |
19700201512 | IPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology | 18826687 | Information Processing Society of Japan | Japan | |
26712 | Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | 16820053 | Jahad Daneshgahi | Iran, Islamic Republic of | |
21100217007 | Iranian Journal of Information Processing Management | 22518223 | 22518231 | Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
21100217227 | Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Electrical Engineering | 22286179 | Shiraz University | Iran, Islamic Republic of | |
29805 | ISA Transactions | 00190578 | Instrument Society of America | United States | |
29161 | ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing | 09242716 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
21100266906 | ISRN Communications and Networking | 20904355 | 20904363 | Hindawi | Egypt |
21100386191 | ISRN Signal Processing | 2090505X | Hindawi | United States | |
145683 | IT Architect | 15572145 | CMP Media LLC | United States | |
25053 | IT Professional | 15209202 | IEEE | United States | |
21100199551 | ITALICS Innovations in Teaching and Learning in Information and Computer Sciences | 14737507 | Higher Education Academy | United Kingdom | |
21100199733 | ITB Journal of Information and Communication Technology | 19783086 | Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) | Indonesia | |
145549 | ITNOW | 17465702 | OUP | United Kingdom | |
19998 | Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenij. Radioelektronika | 00213470 | Natsionl'nyi Tekhhichnyi Universiytet Ukrainy | Ukraine | |
18052 | JALA - Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation | 15355535 | 15402452 | Association for Laboratory Automation | United States |
15591 | JASSS | 14607425 | University of Surrey | United Kingdom | |
12400154717 | Jiaotong Yunshu Xitong Gongcheng Yu Xinxi/ Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology | 10096744 | Jiaotong Yunshu Xitong Gongcheng yu Xinxi (Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Editorial) | China | |
7000153253 | Jiefangjun Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition) | 10093443 | Jiefangjun Ligong Daxue Xuebao/P L A, University of Science and Technology | China | |
18056 | Jiqiren/Robot | 10020446 | Zhongguo Kexueyuan | China | |
25574 | Jisuanji Fuzhu Sheji Yu Tuxingxue Xuebao/Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics | 10039775 | Science Press | China | |
26713 | Jisuanji Gongcheng/Computer Engineering | 10003428 | Shanghai Jisuanji Xuehui/Shanghai Computer Society | China | |
22679 | Jisuanji Jicheng Zhizao Xitong/Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS | 10065911 | Beijing Advanced Manufacturing Technology Consultation Center | China | |
26131 | Jisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers | 02544164 | Science Press | China | |
26714 | Jisuanji Yanjiu yu Fazhan/Computer Research and Development | 10001239 | Science Press | China | |
20948 | Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 05776686 | China Machine Press | China | |
95021 | JOOP - Journal of Object-Oriented Programming | 08968438 | Sigs Publication, Inc. | United States | |
4700152849 | Journal in Computer Virology | 17729890 | 17729904 | Springer | Germany |
19700166503 | Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics | 13430130 | 18838014 | Fuji | Japan |
27676 | Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems | 02196867 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
20500195215 | Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems | 1943023X | Institute of Advanced Scientific Research | United States | |
18895 | Journal of Advanced Transportation | 01976729 | Institute for Transportation, Inc. | Canada | |
21100259128 | Journal of Advances in Information Fusion | 15576418 | Information Society of Information Fusion | United States | |
145263 | Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information and Communication | 15429423 | American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics | United States | |
21100239834 | Journal of Aerospace Information Systems | 23273097 | American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics | United States | |
28498 | Journal of Algorithms | 01966774 | 10902678 | Elsevier | United States |
19400158593 | Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing | 18685137 | Springer | Germany | |
19700186867 | Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments | 18761364 | IOS Press | Netherlands | |
21100204120 | Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry | 20908865 | 20908873 | Hindawi | Egypt |
18800156718 | Journal of Artificial Intelligence | 19945450 | Asian Network for Scientific Information | Pakistan | |
24330 | Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research | 10769757 | Elsevier | United States | |
27273 | Journal of Asynchronous Learning Network | 10928235 | Sloan Consortium | United States | |
24020 | Journal of Automated Methods and Management in Chemistry | 14639246 | 14645068 | Hindawi | Egypt |
24354 | Journal of Automated Reasoning | 01687433 | 15730670 | Springer | Netherlands |
25497 | Journal of Automation and Information Sciences | 10642315 | Begell House | United States | |
29556 | Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology | 02197200 | Imperial College Press | United Kingdom | |
5800179621 | Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration | 17475333 | Springer | United Kingdom | |
23706 | Journal of Biomedical Informatics | 15320464 | 15320480 | Elsevier | United States |
21100316001 | Journal of Biomedical Semantics | 20411480 | Springer | United Kingdom | |
18300156719 | Journal of Building Performance Simulation | 19401493 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom | |
19700173238 | Journal of Cellular Automata | 15575969 | 15575997 | Old City Publishing | United States |
24617 | Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences | 00952338 | 15205142 | ACS | United States |
130080 | Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling | 15499596 | 1549960X | ACS | United States |
5100155074 | Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation | 15499618 | 15499626 | ACS | United States |
19600157322 | Journal of Cheminformatics | 17582946 | Chemistry Central | United Kingdom | |
4700153604 | Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications | 10058885 | Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications | China | |
26046 | Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers | 02181266 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
21100383744 | Journal of Cloud Computing | 2192113X | Springer | United States | |
28499 | Journal of Combinatorial Optimization | 13826905 | 15732886 | Springer | Netherlands |
14500154721 | Journal of Combinatorial Theory | 00219800 | Elsevier | United States | |
40107 | Journal of Combinatorial Theory - Series A | 00973165 | Elsevier | United States | |
23844 | Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B | 00958956 | 10960902 | Elsevier | United States |
4800154012 | Journal of Communications and Networks | 12292370 | Korean Institute of Communication Sciences | South Korea | |
19900191968 | Journal of Communications Software and Systems | 18456421 | University of Split | Croatia | |
23846 | Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications | 15211398 | 15729206 | Springer | Netherlands |
29581 | Journal of Computational Biology | 10665277 | Mary Ann Liebert | United States | |
145341 | Journal of Computational Information Systems | 15539105 | Zhongshan Daxue Xue/Zhongshan University | China | |
14500154739 | Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering | 14727978 | IOS Press | Netherlands | |
13191 | Journal of Computational Physics | 00219991 | 10902716 | Elsevier | United States |
19700174607 | Journal of Computational Science | 18777503 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
12370 | Journal of Computer and System Sciences | 00220000 | 10902724 | Elsevier | United States |
12961 | Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International | 10642307 | Maik Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing | Russian Federation | |
26183 | Journal of Computer Assisted Learning | 02664909 | 13652729 | Wiley-Blackwell | United Kingdom |
12373 | Journal of Computer Information Systems | 08874417 | International Association for Computer Information Systems | United States | |
21100203114 | Journal of Computer Networks and Communications | 20907141 | 2090715X | Hindawi | Egypt |
11700154336 | Journal of Computer Science | 15493636 | Science Publications | United States | |
26132 | Journal of Computer Science and Technology | 10009000 | Zhongguo Kexueyan Ganguang Huaxue Yanjiusuo | China | |
28931 | Journal of Computer Security | 0926227X | IOS Press | Netherlands | |
17600155043 | Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, and Communications | 16877381 | 1687739X | Hindawi | Egypt |
18642 | Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design | 09281045 | ESCOM Science Publishers | Netherlands | |
24619 | Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design | 0920654X | 15734951 | Springer | Netherlands |
18232 | Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication | 10836101 | Annenberg School for Communication | United States | |
19700186829 | Journal of Computers | 1796203X | Academy Publisher | Finland | |
21100228316 | Journal of Computers (Taiwan) | 19911599 | Computer Society of the Republic of China | Taiwan | |
19400157014 | Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage | 15564673 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
20952 | Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering | 15309827 | ASME | United States | |
21100199727 | Journal of Computing and Information Technology | 13301136 | 18463908 | The University of Zagreb Computing Centre (SRCE) | Croatia |
18643 | Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering | 08873801 | ASCE | United States | |
17600155502 | Journal of Computing in Higher Education | 10421726 | Paideia Publishers | United States | |
15435 | Journal of Consciousness Studies | 13558250 | Imprint Academic | United Kingdom | |
6400153154 | Journal of Control Science and Engineering | 16875249 | 16875257 | Hindawi | Egypt |
5800173400 | Journal of Control Theory and Applications | 16726340 | South China University of Technology | China | |
21100244214 | Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems | 21953880 | 21953899 | Springer | United States |
19700186893 | Journal of Convergence Information Technology | 19759320 | Advanced Institute of Convergence Information Technology Research Center | South Korea | |
21100266502 | Journal of Cryptographic Engineering | 21908508 | 21908516 | Springer | United States |
23871 | Journal of Cryptology | 09332790 | 14321378 | Springer | Germany |
19700182698 | Journal of Cyber Therapy and Rehabilitation | 17849934 | Virtual Reality Medical Institute | Belgium | |
13581 | Journal of Database Management | 10638016 | 15338010 | IGI Global | United States |
19700181431 | Journal of Decision Systems | 12460125 | Hermes | France | |
5900152897 | Journal of Design Research | 17483050 | 15691551 | Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. | United Kingdom |
15681 | Journal of Digital Information | 13687506 | British Computer Society | United Kingdom | |
4800152306 | Journal of Digital Information Management | 09727272 | Digital Information Research Foundation | India | |
25607 | Journal of Discrete Algorithms | 15708667 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
12794 | Journal of Documentation | 00220418 | Emerald | United Kingdom | |
21141 | Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME | 00220434 | ASME | United States | |
18874 | Journal of Educational Computing Research | 07356331 | 15414140 | Baywood Publishing Co., Inc. | United States |
300147004 | Journal of Educational Media and Library Science | 1013090X | Tamkang University | Taiwan | |
21100305268 | Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia | 19435916 | Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education | United States | |
4700152750 | Journal of E-Government | 15424049 | 15424057 | Haworth Press | United States |
17700155804 | Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society | 18266223 | 19718829 | Giunti Gruppo Editoriale | Italy |
21100197510 | Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | 20900147 | 20900155 | Hindawi | Egypt |
19700186890 | Journal of Electrical Systems | 11125209 | Engineering and Scientific Research Groups (ESR Groups) | France | |
130090 | Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations | 15392937 | IGI Global | United States | |
21100210920 | Journal of Electronic Commerce Research | 19389027 | 15266133 | California State University Press | United States |
25978 | Journal of Electronic Imaging | 10179909 | S P I E - International Society for Optical Engineering | United States | |
26621 | Journal of Electronic Packaging, Transactions of the ASME | 10437398 | 15289044 | ASME | United States |
25064 | Journal of Electronic Publishing | 10802711 | University of Michigan Press | United States | |
17900156721 | Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship | 1941126X | 19411278 | Haworth Press | United States |
19900193217 | Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting | 15541908 | 15587940 | American Accounting Association | United States |
21100199344 | Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence | 17980461 | Academy Publisher | Finland | |
72061 | Journal of End User Computing | 10632239 | IGI Global | United States | |
11200153562 | Journal of Engineering, Computing and Architecture | 19347197 | Global Commerce and Communication, Inc. | United States | |
130065 | Journal of Enterprise Information Management | 17410398 | Emerald | United Kingdom | |
24357 | Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence | 0952813X | 13623079 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
21100207010 | Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics | 19408676 | Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Society, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University | China | |
4700152301 | Journal of Field Robotics | 15564959 | 15564967 | Wiley-Blackwell | United Kingdom |
20964 | Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing | 10653090 | Begell House | United States | |
28345 | Journal of Functional Programming | 09567968 | 14697653 | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
144674 | Journal of Geomatics | 10073817 | Wuhan Cehui Keji Daxue/Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping | China | |
28347 | Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications | 15261719 | Brown University | United States | |
800147111 | Journal of Grid Computing | 15707873 | Springer | Netherlands | |
27275 | Journal of High Speed Networks | 09266801 | IOS Press | Netherlands | |
21100220156 | Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology | 17579880 | Emerald | United Kingdom | |
101377 | Journal of Imaging Science and Technology | 10623701 | Society for Imaging Science and Technology | United States | |
21100200802 | Journal of Information and Communication Technology | 1675414X | 21803862 | Universiti Utara Malaysia Press | Malaysia |
144748 | Journal of Information and Computational Science | 15487741 | Zhongshan Daxue Xue/Zhongshan University | China | |
21100237436 | Journal of Information and Knowledge Management | 02196492 | 17936926 | World Scientific | United States |
19700202714 | Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences | 18463312 | 18469418 | University of Zagreb | Croatia |
21100223313 | Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing | 20734212 | 20734239 | National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences | Taiwan |
32853 | Journal of Information Processing | 03876101 | Information Processing Society of Japan | Japan | |
21100203301 | Journal of Information Processing Systems | 1976913X | Korea Information Processing Society (KIPS) | South Korea | |
12813 | Journal of Information Science | 01655515 | SAGE | United States | |
12492 | Journal of Information Science and Engineering | 10162364 | Institute of Information Science | Taiwan | |
15688 | Journal of Information Systems | 08887985 | American Accounting Association | United States | |
12815 | Journal of Information Technology | 02683962 | 14664437 | Macmillan | United Kingdom |
19700170417 | Journal of Information Technology and Politics | 19331681 | 1933169X | Taylor & Francis | United States |
21100199856 | Journal of Information Technology Education:Research | 15479714 | 15393585 | Informing Science Institute | United States |
19700201308 | Journal of Information Technology Research | 19387857 | The Information Resources Management Association (IRMA) | United States | |
21100242617 | Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society | 1477996X | Emerald | United Kingdom | |
21100201073 | Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems | 19765622 | Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems | South Korea | |
25618 | Journal of Instruction-Level Parallelism | 19429525 | International Symposium on Microarchitecture | United States | |
23917 | Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems | 10641246 | IOS Press | Netherlands | |
24360 | Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications | 09210296 | 15730409 | Springer | Netherlands |
24361 | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems | 09259902 | 15737675 | Springer | Netherlands |
24363 | Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing | 09565515 | 15728145 | Springer | Netherlands |
12962 | Journal of Intelligent Systems | 03341860 | Walter de Gruyter | Germany | |
144889 | Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems | 15472450 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom | |
145743 | Journal of Interactive Learning Research | 1093023X | Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education | United States | |
21451 | Journal of Interactive Online Learning | 15414914 | National Center for Online Learning Research | United States | |
12100157101 | Journal of Interconnection Networks | 21922659 | World Scientific | United States | |
19700183010 | Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology | 19018401 | International Association of IT Lawyers | Denmark | |
18300156727 | Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce | 12045357 | Array Development | Canada | |
4700152784 | Journal of Internet Commerce | 15332861 | 1533287X | Haworth Press | United States |
19600166316 | Journal of Internet Services and Applications | 18674828 | 18690238 | Springer | Germany |
17604 | Journal of Internet Technology | 16079264 | National Dong Hwa University | Taiwan | |
19700201601 | Journal of Laboratory Automation | 22110682 | SAGE | United States | |
12100155655 | Journal of Location Based Services | 17489725 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom | |
28359 | Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming | 15678326 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
25620 | Journal of Logic and Computation | 0955792X | 1465363X | OUP | United Kingdom |
145095 | Journal of Logic, Language and Information | 09258531 | Springer | Netherlands | |
20969 | Journal of Machine Learning Research | 15324435 | 15337928 | MIT Press | United States |
14966 | Journal of Manufacturing Systems | 02786125 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
18644 | Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management | 1741038X | Emerald | United Kingdom | |
20972 | Journal of Materials Processing Technology | 09240136 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
21100199346 | Journal of Mathematical Cryptology | 18622976 | Walter de Gruyter | Germany | |
28501 | Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision | 09249907 | 15737683 | Springer | Netherlands |
11600153445 | Journal of Mathematics and the Arts | 17513472 | Taylor & Francis | United States | |
19700187808 | Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine | 20080387 | Tehran University of Medical Sciences | Iran, Islamic Republic of | |
23710 | Journal of Medical Systems | 01485598 | 1573689X | Springer | United States |
24809 | Journal of Memetics | 13664786 | Manchester Metropolitan University | United Kingdom | |
22478 | Journal of Memory and Language | 0749596X | 10960821 | Elsevier | United States |
21100222913 | Journal of Modern Transportation | 2095087X | Southwest Jiaotong University | China | |
24621 | Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling | 10933263 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
57844 | Journal of Molecular Modeling | 16102940 | 09485023 | Springer | Germany |
19700186852 | Journal of Multimedia | 17962048 | Academy Publisher | Finland | |
23958 | Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing | 15423980 | Old City Publishing, Inc. | United States | |
19900193684 | Journal of Multiscale Modeling | 17569737 | 17569745 | World Scientific | Singapore |
21100223145 | Journal of Music, Technology and Education | 17527066 | 17527074 | Intellect Publishers | United Kingdom |
19400158823 | Journal of Nanjing Medical University | 10074376 | Nanjing Medical University | China | |
27277 | Journal of Network and Computer Applications | 10848045 | 10958592 | Elsevier | United States |
27287 | Journal of Network and Systems Management | 10647570 | 15737705 | Springer | Netherlands |
19700186825 | Journal of Networks | 17962056 | Academy Publisher | Finland | |
21100223501 | Journal of Next Generation Information Technology | 20928637 | Advanced Institute of Convergence Information Technology Research Center | South Korea | |
28360 | Journal of Object Technology | 16601769 | EtH Zurich | Switzerland | |
17900156735 | Journal of Optical Communications and Networking | 19430620 | Optical Society of America | United States | |
144791 | Journal of Optical Networking | 15365379 | Optical Society of America | United States | |
15492 | Journal of Organizational and End User Computing | 15462234 | IGI Global | United States | |
19714 | Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce | 10919392 | 15327744 | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. | United States |
25621 | Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing | 07437315 | 10960848 | Elsevier | United States |
17300154721 | Journal of Physical Agents | 18880258 | University of Alicante | Spain | |
26803 | Journal of Pragmatics | 03782166 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
14414 | Journal of Process Control | 09591524 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
19600157004 | Journal of Proteomics and Bioinformatics | 0974276X | Omics Publishing Group | India | |
21100197952 | Journal of Rail Transport Planning and Management | 22109706 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
4900152415 | Journal of Real-Time Image Processing | 18618200 | 18618219 | Springer | Germany |
25622 | Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology | 1443458X | Associated Business Publications Pty. Ltd. | Australia | |
21100301445 | Journal of Research on Technology in Education | 15391523 | 19450818 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
21100301602 | Journal of Robotics | 16879600 | 16879619 | Hindawi | Egypt |
21100197345 | Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics | 09153942 | 18838049 | Fuji | Japan |
23490 | Journal of Scientific Computing | 08857474 | 15737691 | Springer | United States |
145544 | Journal of Semantics | 01675133 | OUP | United Kingdom | |
144974 | Journal of Service Research | 10946705 | SAGE | United States | |
11400153333 | Journal of Signal Processing Systems | 19398018 | Springer | Germany | |
10900153307 | Journal of Simulation | 17477778 | 17477786 | Macmillan | United Kingdom |
19700186824 | Journal of Software | 1796217X | Academy Publisher | Finland | |
19700173025 | Journal of Software Engineering | 18194311 | 21520941 | Science Alert | United States |
89465 | Journal of Software Maintenance | 1040550X | Wiley-Blackwell | United States | |
19308 | Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution | 1532060X | 15320618 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
21100205112 | Journal of Software: Evolution and Process | 20477481 | Wiley-Blackwell | United Kingdom | |
21100332424 | Journal of Spatial Information Science | 1948660X | The National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA) | United States | |
25623 | Journal of Supercomputing | 09208542 | 15730484 | Springer | Netherlands |
100147317 | Journal of Supply Chain Management | 15232409 | National Association of Purchasing Management | United States | |
21100202719 | Journal of Systems and Information Technology | 13287265 | Emerald | United Kingdom | |
19309 | Journal of Systems and Software | 01641212 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
12398 | Journal of Systems Architecture | 13837621 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
58655 | Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 16711793 | Science Press | China | |
4900152803 | Journal of Systems Science and Complexity | 10096124 | Science Press | China | |
4700152484 | Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering | 10043756 | International Academic Publishers | China | |
12000 | Journal of Technology in Counseling | 15276228 | Columbus State University | United States | |
19421 | Journal of Technology in Human Services | 15228835 | 15228991 | Haworth Press | United States |
25625 | Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment | 15402525 | Boston College | United States | |
21100332206 | Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering | 21801843 | Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka | Malaysia | |
21100229111 | Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology | 15094553 | 18998852 | National Institute of Telecommunications | Poland |
23127 | Journal of the ACM | 00045411 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
12098 | Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology | 15322882 | 15322890 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
85383 | Journal of the Association for History and Computing | American Association for History and Computing | United States | ||
13300154706 | Journal of the Association of Information Systems | 15369323 | Association for Information Systems | United States | |
145262 | Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society | 01046500 | Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao | Brazil | |
21236 | Journal of the Communications Network | 14774739 | The Communications Network | United Kingdom | |
27959 | Journal of the Franklin Institute | 00160032 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
21100318403 | Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan | 02859831 | 13480316 | Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan | Japan |
11700154352 | Journal of the Institute of Telecommunications Professionals | 17559278 | Institute of Telecommunications Professionals | United Kingdom | |
26671 | Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Part CP: Computer Engineering Division | 09710469 | Institution of Engineers (India) | India | |
12320 | Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision | 10847529 | 15208532 | Optical Society of America | United States |
6300153121 | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research | 07181876 | Editorial Universidad de Talca | Chile | |
19700182903 | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | 19928645 | 18173195 | Little Lion Scientific | Pakistan |
24623 | Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry | 02196336 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
6400153117 | Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology | 15706672 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
19900191975 | Journal of Uncertain Systems | 17528909 | 17528917 | World Academic Press | United Kingdom |
145537 | Journal of Universal Computer Science | 09486968 | Springer | Germany | |
25592 | Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation | 10473203 | Elsevier | United States | |
27187 | Journal of Visual Languages and Computing | 1045926X | 10958533 | Elsevier | United States |
37787 | Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation | 10498907 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States | |
6100152703 | Journal of VLSI Signal Processing | 09225773 | 1573109X | Springer | Netherlands |
91730 | Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems for Signal, Image, and Video Technology | 13875485 | Springer | Netherlands | |
18400156714 | Journal of Web Engineering | 15409589 | Rinton Press, Inc. | United States | |
19400158481 | Journal of Web Librarianship | 19322909 | 19322917 | Haworth Press | United States |
17900156700 | Journal of Website Promotion | 15533611 | 1553362X | Haworth Press | United States |
21100262490 | Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications | 20935374 | 20935382 | Innovative Information Science & Technology Research Group (ISYOU) | South Korea |
19400157203 | Journal of WSCG | 12136972 | 12136964 | University of West Bohemia | Czech Republic |
10600153310 | Journal on Chain and Network Science | 15691829 | 18750931 | Wageningen Pers | Netherlands |
17700156101 | Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces | 17837677 | 17838738 | Springer | Germany |
30285 | Kibernetika i Sistemnyj Analiz | 00231274 | Naukova Dumka | Ukraine | |
26985 | Kinetics and Catalysis | 00231584 | 16083210 | Maik Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing | Russian Federation |
15703 | Knowledge and Information Systems | 02191377 | Springer | Germany | |
24774 | Knowledge Engineering Review | 02698889 | 14698005 | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
79015 | Kongzhi yu Juece/Control and Decision | 10010920 | Northeastern University | China | |
91953 | Korean Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics | 12260061 | Korean Society for Computational and Applied Mathematics | South Korea | |
17700155805 | KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems | 19767277 | Korea Society of Internet Information | South Korea | |
12981 | Kybernetes | 0368492X | Emerald | United Kingdom | |
24449 | Kybernetika | 00235954 | Akademie Ved Ceske Republiky | Czech Republic | |
18800 | Kyokai Joho Imeji Zasshi/Journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers | 13426907 | Eizo Joho Media Gakkai | Japan | |
21100218537 | Language and Computers | 09215034 | 18757294 | Editions Rodopi | Netherlands |
27188 | Language Learning and Technology | 10943501 | University of Hawaii Press | United States | |
4900153201 | Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics | 16137736 | 18600816 | Springer | Germany |
21100380994 | Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics | 22129413 | Springer | Switzerland | |
25674 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science | 03029743 | Springer | Germany | |
21100220348 | Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering | 18678211 | Springer | Germany | |
6000152729 | Leonardo | 0024094X | MIT Press | United Kingdom | |
6000152745 | Leonardo Music Journal | 09611215 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
13971 | Library and Information Science Research | 07408188 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
13992 | Library Collections, Acquisition and Technical Services | 14649055 | 18731821 | Elsevier | United Kingdom |
144908 | Library Hi Tech | 07378831 | MSB University Press | United Kingdom | |
145356 | Library Hi Tech News | 07419058 | Pierian Press | United States | |
98245 | Library Resources and Technical Services | 00242527 | American Library Association | United States | |
5800207551 | Lingvisticae Investigationes | 03784169 | John Benjamins Publishing Company | Netherlands | |
92280 | LISP and Symbolic Computation | 08924635 | Springer | Netherlands | |
145586 | Literary and Linguistics Computing | 02681145 | OUP | United Kingdom | |
19900192440 | LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics | 14611570 | London Mathematical Society | United Kingdom | |
19700175752 | Logical Methods in Computer Science | 18605974 | Technischen Universitat Braunschweig | Germany | |
145346 | Machine Graphics and Vision | 12300535 | Polska Akademia Nauk | Poland | |
19700180802 | Machine Intelligence and Pattern Recognition | 09230459 | Elsevier | United States | |
24775 | Machine Learning | 08856125 | 15730565 | Springer | Netherlands |
27190 | Machine Translation | 09226567 | 15730573 | Springer | Netherlands |
12984 | Machine Vision and Applications | 09328092 | 14321769 | Springer | Germany |
7600153103 | Malaysian Journal of Computer Science | 01279084 | University of Malaya | Malaysia | |
25500 | Managing Automation | 08953805 | Thomas Publishing Company | United States | |
18646 | Manufacturing Computer Solutions | 13581066 | Findlay Publications Ltd. | United Kingdom | |
24507 | Maritime IT and Electronics | 14766027 | Institute of Marine Engineering | United Kingdom | |
21100255068 | Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology | 18025943 | 18025951 | Faculty of Law, Masaryk University | Czech Republic |
24756 | Match | 03406253 | University of Kragujevac | Serbia | |
21100201313 | Mathematical and Computational Forestry and Natural-Resource Sciences | 19467664 | Contemporary Journal Concept Press | United States | |
24558 | Mathematical and Computer Modelling | 08957177 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
28511 | Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems | 13873954 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom | |
19400158592 | Mathematical Programming Computation | 18672949 | 18672957 | Springer | Germany |
28512 | Mathematical Programming, Series B | 00255610 | Springer | Germany | |
5000157801 | Mathematical Structures in Computer Science | 09601295 | 14698072 | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
12166 | Mathematics and Computers in Simulation | 03784754 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
21100305269 | Mathematics and Visualization | 2197666X | Springer | Germany | |
10900153313 | Mathematics in Computer Science | 16618270 | 16618289 | Springer | Switzerland |
19202 | Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems | 09324194 | 1435568X | Springer | Germany |
21080 | Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing | 08883270 | 10961216 | Elsevier | United States |
21094 | Mechanism and Machine Theory | 0094114X | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
21096 | Mechatronics | 09574158 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
17979 | Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing | 01400118 | IEE | United Kingdom | |
17271 | Medical Image Analysis | 13618415 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
21100358107 | Medijske Studije | 18479758 | 18485030 | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Political Science | Croatia |
17400154829 | Memetic Computing | 18659284 | 18659292 | Springer | Germany |
21100255064 | Mendel | 18033814 | Brno University of Technology | Czech Republic | |
15542 | Microcomputer Applications | 08200750 | International Society for Mini and Microcomputers | Canada | |
31332 | Microcomputers in Civil Engineering | 08859507 | Wiley-Blackwell | United Kingdom | |
15552 | Microprocessors and Microsystems | 01419331 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
26738 | Microsystem Technologies | 09467076 | Springer | Germany | |
18563 | Microwaves and RF | 07452993 | Penton Media, Inc. | United States | |
24777 | Minds and Machines | 09246495 | 15728641 | Springer | Netherlands |
18584 | Mitsubishi Electric Advance | 03865096 | 13453041 | Mitsubishi Electric Corporation | Japan |
19700174653 | Mobile Information Systems | 1574017X | IOS Press | Netherlands | |
27306 | Mobile Networks and Applications | 1383469X | 15728153 | Springer | Netherlands |
12170 | Modeling, Identification and Control | 03327353 | The Research Council of Norway | Norway | |
6400153138 | Modelling and Simulation in Engineering | 16875591 | 16875605 | Hindawi | Egypt |
28704 | Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering | 09650393 | 1361651X | IoP | United Kingdom |
11200153535 | Modelling of Mechanical Systems | 18747051 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
28532 | Modelling, Measurement & Control D: Manufacturing, Management, Human & Socio-Economic Problems | 12404551 | Association pour la promotion des techniques de modelisation et de simulation dans l'entreprise Press | France | |
28513 | Modelling, Measurement and Control A | 12595985 | Association pour la promotion des techniques de modelisation et de simulation dans l'entreprise Press | France | |
28515 | Modelling, Measurement and Control B | 12595969 | Association pour la promotion des techniques de modelisation et de simulation dans l'entreprise Press | France | |
28531 | Modelling, Measurement and Control C | 12595977 | Association pour la promotion des techniques de modelisation et de simulation dans l'entreprise Press | France | |
29053 | Molecular Diversity | 13811991 | 1573501X | Springer | Netherlands |
19900192900 | Molecular Informatics | 18681743 | 18681751 | Wiley-Blackwell | Germany |
24801 | Molecular Simulation | 08927022 | 10290435 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
4700152228 | Molecular Systems Biology | 17444292 | Macmillan | United Kingdom | |
145035 | Mondo Digitale | 1720898X | Associazione Italiana per l'Informatica ed il Calcolo Automatico | Italy | |
12986 | Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics | 02786419 | Allerton Press Inc. | United States | |
87936 | Moshi Shibie yu Rengong Zhineng/Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence | 10036059 | J Pattern Recognit Artif Intell | China | |
21100199780 | Multiagent and Grid Systems | 15741702 | IOS Press | United States | |
14523 | Multibody System Dynamics | 13845640 | 1573272X | Springer | Netherlands |
12409 | Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing | 09236082 | 15730824 | Springer | Netherlands |
25626 | Multimedia Systems | 09424962 | Springer | Germany | |
25627 | Multimedia Tools and Applications | 13807501 | 14321882 | Springer | Netherlands |
144980 | Multiscale Modeling and Simulation | 15403459 | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics | United States | |
19700174753 | Nano Communication Networks | 18787789 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
22206 | Natural Computing | 15677818 | Springer | Netherlands | |
21100223108 | Natural Computing Series | 16197127 | Springer | Germany | |
28380 | Natural Language Engineering | 13513249 | 14698110 | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
21100258784 | Natural Phenomena | 18160867 | Eurographics Association at Graz University of Technology | Switzerland | |
4900152401 | NEC Technical Journal | 18805884 | NEC Media Products Ltd. | Japan | |
4700152506 | NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking | 13859587 | Springer | Netherlands | |
27332 | Network Magazine | 15398137 | CMP Media LLC | United States | |
28535 | Networks | 00283045 | 10970037 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
12600154783 | Networks and Heterogeneous Media | 15561801 | 1556181X | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | United States |
144945 | Networks and Spatial Economics | 1566113X | Springer | Netherlands | |
24800 | Neural Computing and Applications | 09410643 | 14333058 | Springer | Germany |
24802 | Neural Network World | 12100552 | Czech Academy of Sciences | Czech Republic | |
24804 | Neural Networks | 08936080 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
24806 | Neural Processing Letters | 13704621 | 1573773X | Springer | Netherlands |
24805 | Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations | 10615369 | Dynamic Publishers, Inc. | United States | |
24807 | Neurocomputing | 09252312 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
23987 | Neuroinformatics | 15392791 | Springer | United States | |
15583 | New Generation Computing | 02883635 | Springer | Germany | |
21100206263 | New Mathematics and Natural Computation | 17930057 | World Scientific | United States | |
25631 | New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia | 13614568 | 17407842 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
27358 | New Review of Information Networking | 13614576 | 17407869 | Taylor Graham Publishing | United Kingdom |
14773 | NFD Information-Wissenschaft und Praxis | 14344653 | Dinges & Frick GmbH | Germany | |
5000153603 | NII Technical Reports | 13465597 | National Institute of Informatics | Japan | |
9000153105 | Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems | 1751570X | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
18800156703 | Nonlinear Biomedical Physics | 17534631 | Springer | United Kingdom | |
12288 | Nonlinear Optics Quantum Optics | 15430537 | Old City Publishing, Inc. | United States | |
21100210909 | Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy | 1891943X | Universitetsforlaget AS | Norway | |
20160 | NTT Review | 09152334 | Telecommunications Association | Japan | |
51658 | NTT Technical Review | 13483447 | Telecommunications Association | Japan | |
20161 | NTZ, Telekommunikation und Informationstechnik | 0948728X | V D E Verlag GmbH | Germany | |
25710 | Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization | 01630563 | Taylor & Francis | United States | |
21579 | Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals | 10407790 | 15210626 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
19900188004 | Observatorio | 16465954 | OberCom - Observatorio da Comunicacao | Portugal | |
28352 | Ocean Modelling | 14635003 | 14635011 | Elsevier | Netherlands |
15348 | OCLC Newsletter | 0163898X | OCLC - Online Computer Library Center, Inc. | United States | |
144626 | OCLC Systems and Services | 1065075X | Meckler Pub | United States | |
24811 | OGAI Journal (Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fuer Artificial Intelligence) | 02544326 | Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence | Austria | |
18150 | Online (Wilton, Connecticut) | 01465422 | Information Today, Inc. | United States | |
15386 | Online Information Review | 14684527 | 14684535 | Emerald | United Kingdom |
19700201613 | Open Bioinformatics Journal | 18750362 | Bentham | Netherlands | |
21100204507 | Open Signal Processing Journal | 18768253 | Bentham | Netherlands | |
12441 | Open Systems and Information Dynamics | 12301612 | 15731324 | World Scientific | Singapore |
12318 | Optical Materials | 09253467 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
17600155052 | Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) | 1060992X | Allerton Press Inc. | United States | |
2900147403 | Optical Switching and Networking | 15734277 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
25529 | Optimal Control Applications and Methods | 01432087 | 10991514 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
130117 | Optimization and Engineering | 13894420 | Springer | Netherlands | |
28538 | Optimization Methods and Software | 10556788 | 10294937 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
25744 | Order | 01678094 | 15729273 | Springer | Netherlands |
19700173012 | Organised Sound | 13557718 | 14698153 | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
13657 | PACE - Process and Control Engineering | 13296221 | Elsevier | Spain | |
28398 | Parallel Algorithms and Applications | 10637192 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom | |
26138 | Parallel Computing | 01678191 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
26141 | Parallel Processing Letters | 01296264 | World Scientific | Singapore | |
24822 | Pattern Analysis and Applications | 14337541 | 1433755X | Springer | Germany |
24823 | Pattern Recognition | 00313203 | Elsevier | United States | |
4700152485 | Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis | 10546618 | Allen Press | United States | |
24825 | Pattern Recognition Letters | 01678655 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
24821 | PC AI | 08940711 | Knowledge Technology | United States | |
17351 | PC World (San Francisco, CA) | 07378939 | I D G Communications Inc. | United States | |
14300154706 | Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications | 19366442 | 19366450 | Springer | United States |
12795 | Perception | 03010066 | 14684233 | Pion Ltd. | United Kingdom |
59020 | Performance Computing/Unix Review | 07423136 | UNIX Review Co | United States | |
22313 | Performance Evaluation | 01665316 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
17469 | Personal Engineering and Instrumentation News | 07480016 | P E C Inc. | United States | |
19700188314 | Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology | 01287680 | Universiti Putra Malaysia | Malaysia | |
3200147819 | Pervasive and Mobile Computing | 15741192 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
12367 | Photogrammetric Record | 0031868X | Wiley-Blackwell | United Kingdom | |
29089 | Photonic Network Communications | 1387974X | Springer | Netherlands | |
29112 | Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications | 15694410 | 15694429 | Elsevier | Netherlands |
13017 | Physics of Life Reviews | 15710645 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
4000151810 | PLoS Computational Biology | 1553734X | 15537358 | Public Library of Science | United States |
21100208044 | Policy and Internet | 19442866 | Wiley-Blackwell | United Kingdom | |
7100153120 | Pollack Periodica | 17881994 | Akademiai Kiado | Hungary | |
19700180767 | Practical Logic of Cognitive Systems | 18745075 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
145567 | Pragmatics and Cognition | 09290907 | 15699943 | J. Benjamins Pub. Co. | Netherlands |
25644 | Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments | 10547460 | 15313263 | MIT Press | United States |
21100241768 | Preservation, Digital Technology and Culture | 21952965 | Walter de Gruyter | Germany | |
13799 | Problems of Information Transmission | 00329460 | 16083253 | Maik Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing | Russian Federation |
31428 | Proceedings of the ASIST Annual Meeting | 15508390 | Learned Information | United Kingdom | |
21100195304 | Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural | 11355948 | 19897553 | Sociedad Espanola para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural | Spain |
6200180164 | Profesional de la Informacion | 13866710 | 16992407 | Swets & Zeitlinger | Netherlands |
15511 | Program | 00330337 | Emerald | United Kingdom | |
19869 | Programming and Computer Software | 03617688 | 16083261 | Consultants Bureau | United States |
28405 | Programmirovanie | 01323474 | Fakul'tet Vychislitel'noi Matematiki i Kibernetiki/M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University | Russian Federation | |
13196 | Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics | 14684349 | 17415233 | Inderscience | United Kingdom |
144630 | Progress in Informatics | 13498614 | 13498606 | National Institute of Informatics | Japan |
22798 | Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University | 10000054 | Tsinghua University | China | |
21785 | QSAR and Combinatorial Science | 1611020X | 15213838 | Wiley-Blackwell | United Kingdom |
29676 | Quantum Information and Computation | 15337146 | Rinton Press, Inc. | United States | |
24831 | Quantum Information Processing | 15700755 | Springer | Netherlands | |
19700186817 | Queue | 15427730 | 15427749 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States |
28580 | Radio Science | 00486604 | American Geophysical Union | United States | |
20658 | Radiotekhnika i Elektronika | 00338494 | Izdatel'stva Nauka | Russian Federation | |
13012 | RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications | 09883754 | 1290385X | EDP Sciences | France |
26324 | Random Structures and Algorithms | 10429832 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States | |
25648 | Real-Time Imaging | 10772014 | 1096116X | Elsevier | United States |
12443 | Real-Time Systems | 09226443 | 15731383 | Springer | Netherlands |
5800207673 | ReCALL | 09583440 | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom | |
19700186903 | Recent Patents on Computer Science | 18744796 | Bentham | United Arab Emirates | |
16004 | Reference and User Services Quarterly | 10949054 | American Library Association | United States | |
22782 | Reliable Computing | 13853139 | 15731340 | Springer | Netherlands |
18660 | Requirements Engineering | 09473602 | 1432010X | Springer | Germany |
21100229165 | Research in Learning Technology | 21567069 | 21567077 | Co-Action Publishing | Sweden |
19700187706 | Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology | 20407459 | 20407467 | Maxwell Scientific Publications | United Kingdom |
17200154703 | Research Journal of Information Technology | 18157432 | Academic Journals Inc. | United States | |
100147326 | Research on Language and Computation | 15707075 | Springer | Netherlands | |
19148 | Research Reports on Information Science and Electrical Engineering of Kyushu University | 13423819 | Kyushu University | Japan | |
21493 | Reviews in Computational Chemistry | 10693599 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States | |
21100242828 | Revista de Direito, Estado e Telecomunicacoes | 19849729 | Universidade de Brasilia | Brazil | |
24847 | Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle | 0992499X | Lavoisier | France | |
144988 | Revue Francaise de Photogrammetrie et de Teledetection | 17689791 | Societe Francaise de Photogrammetrie et de Teledetection | France | |
5300152203 | RIAI - Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial | 16977912 | 16977920 | Universidad Politecnica de Valencia | Spain |
21100197714 | RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao | 16469895 | Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao (AISTI) | Portugal | |
18078 | Robotica | 02635747 | 14698668 | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
18079 | Robotics and Autonomous Systems | 09218890 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
18080 | Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing | 07365845 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
21100242201 | Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology | 14538245 | Publishing House of the Romanian Academy | Romania | |
21100225807 | RSC Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Series | 20413181 | RSC | United Kingdom | |
19913 | Ruan Jian Xue Bao/Journal of Software | 10009825 | Chinese Academy of Science | China | |
21100208072 | Scalable Computing | 18951767 | universitatea de vest | Romania | |
21100199731 | Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems | 09050167 | Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Institute of Electronic Systems, University of Aalborg | Denmark | |
19600161832 | Science China Information Sciences | 1674733X | 18622836 | Zhongguo Kexue Zazhishe/Science in China Press | China |
145627 | Science in China, Series F: Information Sciences | 10092757 | 18622836 | Zhongguo Kexue Zazhishe/Science in China Press | China |
28416 | Science of Computer Programming | 01676423 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
23715 | Science Technology and Human Values | 01622439 | SAGE | United States | |
19700186858 | Scientific and Technical Information Processing | 01476882 | Allerton Press Inc. | United States | |
19600157312 | Scientific Annals of Computer Science | 18438121 | Universitatea din Bucuresti | Romania | |
23491 | Scientific Computing and Instrumentation | 15242560 | Elsevier | United States | |
19926 | Scientific Programming | 10589244 | IOS Press | Netherlands | |
21100244604 | Scientific Visualization | 20793537 | National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" | Russian Federation | |
24222 | Scientometrics | 01389130 | 15882861 | Akademiai Kiado | Hungary |
18000156707 | Security and Communication Networks | 19390122 | Wiley-Blackwell | United Kingdom | |
21100269620 | Semantic Web | 15700844 | 22104968 | IOS Press | Netherlands |
4900153220 | Semantic Web and Information Systems | 15526283 | 15526291 | IGI Global | United States |
21100356802 | Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research | 22141804 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
15566 | Sensors (Peterborough, NH) | 07469462 | Advanstar Communications Inc. | United States | |
6100153019 | Service Oriented Computing and Applications | 18632386 | 18632394 | Springer | Germany |
87893 | Seybold Report on Publishing Systems | 07367260 | Seybold Publications | United States | |
27192 | Shapu Giho/Sharp Technical Journal | 02850362 | Sharp Co. Ltd. | Japan | |
4700152467 | Shenzhen Daxue Xuebao (Ligong Ban)/Journal of Shenzhen University Science and Engineering | 10002618 | Shenzhen University | China | |
20765 | Shu Ju Cai Ji Yu Chu Li/Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing | 10049037 | Chinese Physical Society | China | |
28540 | SIAM Journal on Computing | 00975397 | 10957111 | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics | United States |
26422 | SIAM Journal on Optimization | 10526234 | 10957189 | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics | United States |
19700186868 | SIGCSE Bulletin Inroads | 10963936 | 15581179 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States |
15745 | SIGIR Forum (ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval) | 01635840 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
13622 | SIGMOD Record | 01635808 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
25548 | Signal Processing | 01651684 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
13803 | Signal Processing: Image Communication | 09235965 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
6200180165 | Signal, Image and Video Processing | 18631703 | 18631711 | Springer | Germany |
35995 | SIGPLAN Notices (ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages) | 03621340 | Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics, Association for Computing Machinery | United States | |
14452 | Simulation | 00375497 | SAGE | United States | |
12188 | Simulation and Gaming | 10468781 | SAGE | United States | |
12189 | Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory | 1569190X | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
21100204931 | Sistemi Intelligenti | 11209550 | Il Mulino publishing house | Italy | |
21100259540 | Small Scale Digital Device Forensics Journal | 19416164 | United States | ||
29859 | Smart Materials and Structures | 09641726 | 1361665X | IoP | United Kingdom |
5300152722 | Smart Structures and Systems | 17381584 | 17381991 | Techno-Press | South Korea |
9500153941 | SMPTE Journal | 00361682 | Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers | United States | |
18916 | Social Science Computer Review | 08944393 | SAGE | United States | |
28554 | Soft Computing | 14327643 | 14337479 | Springer | Germany |
20007 | Software - Practice and Experience | 00380644 | 1097024X | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
144641 | Software and Systems Modeling | 16191366 | 16191374 | Springer | Germany |
20009 | Software Process Improvement and Practice | 10774866 | 10991670 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
20013 | Software Quality Journal | 09639314 | 15731367 | Springer | Netherlands |
20432 | Software Testing Verification and Reliability | 09600833 | 10991689 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
20437 | Software World | 00380652 | A.P. Publications Ltd. | United Kingdom | |
4900152507 | Software-Concepts and Tools | 09458115 | Springer | Germany | |
12897 | Space Communications | 09248625 | IOS Press | Netherlands | |
5800208235 | Spatial Cognition and Computation | 13875868 | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. | United States | |
28556 | Spatial Vision | 01691015 | 15685683 | Brill | Netherlands |
23671 | Speech Communication | 01676393 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
4900152703 | Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics | 16107438 | 1610742X | Springer | Germany |
16900154710 | Statistical Analysis and Data Mining | 19321872 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States | |
18661 | Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization | 1615147X | 16151488 | Springer | Germany |
4900152708 | Studies in Computational Intelligence | 1860949X | 18609503 | Springer | Germany |
17900156717 | Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology | 19416008 | Walter de Gruyter | United States | |
4900152704 | Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing | 14349922 | Physica-Verlag Gmbh und Co. | Germany | |
19900191737 | Studies in Informatics and Control | 12201766 | 1841429X | National Institute for R & D in Informatics | Romania |
4900152508 | Supercomputer | 01687875 | Amsterdam Universities Computing Centre | Netherlands | |
5100152401 | Supply Chain Manufacturing and Logistics | 19300794 | Helmers Publishing Inc. | United States | |
19700201455 | Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems | 22105379 | Elsevier | United States | |
19900192513 | Swarm and Evolutionary Computation | 22106502 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
11700154734 | Swarm Intelligence | 19353812 | Springer | United States | |
21100201542 | Symmetry | 20738994 | MDPI Open Access Publishing | Switzerland | |
17700156773 | Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | 19394608 | Morgan & Claypool Publishers | United States | |
5000158705 | Synthesis Lectures on Communications | 19321244 | Morgan and Claypool Publishers | United States | |
5200152624 | Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture | 19353235 | Morgan & Claypool Publishers | United States | |
5200152608 | Synthesis Lectures on Computer Graphics and Animation | 19338996 | Morgan & Claypool Publishers | United States | |
5000158717 | Synthesis Lectures on Computer Science | 19321228 | Morgan & Claypool Publishers | United States | |
5000158707 | Synthesis Lectures on Image, Video, and Multimedia Processing | 15598136 | Morgan and Claypool Publishers | United States | |
5100154508 | Synthesis Lectures on Mobile and Pervasive Computing | 19339011 | Morgan & Claypool Publishers | United States | |
5200152836 | Synthesis Lectures on Network Simulation | 19354185 | Morgan & Claypool Publishers | United States | |
5000158715 | Synthesis Lectures on Signal Processing | 19321236 | Morgan and Claypool Publishers | United States | |
5000158716 | Synthesis Lectures on Speech and Audio Processing | 1932121X | Morgan and Claypool Publishers | United States | |
22883 | Systems and Computers in Japan | 08821666 | 1520684X | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
25563 | Systems and Control Letters | 01676911 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
22078 | Systems Engineering | 10981241 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States | |
14527 | Systems Science | 01371223 | Oficyna Wydawnicza | Poland | |
21100202746 | TAL Traitement Automatique des Langues | 12489433 | Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (ATALA) | France | |
4700152722 | Technical Services Quarterly | 07317131 | Haworth Press | United States | |
19600161804 | Technics Technologies Education Management | 18401503 | DRUNPP Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina | |
6000153223 | Technoetic Arts: a journal of speculative research | 1477965X | Intellect Publishers | United Kingdom | |
19644 | Technology and Health Care | 09287329 | IOS Press | Netherlands | |
19700200832 | Technology, Knowledge and Learning | 22111662 | 22111670 | Springer | United States |
5800179620 | Technology, Pedagogy and Information | 17475139 | 1475939X | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
4700152622 | TechTrends | 87563894 | Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT) | United States | |
38773 | Telcom Report (English Edition) | 03444880 | Siemens Aktiengesellschaft | Germany | |
20870 | Telecommunications Policy | 03085961 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
20896 | Telematics and Informatics | 07365853 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
21946 | Telephony | 00402656 | Primedia Business Magazines & Media Inc. | United States | |
20571 | Theoretical Computer Science | 03043975 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
28424 | Theory and Practice of Logic Programming | 14710684 | 14753081 | Cambridge University Press | United Kingdom |
20573 | Theory of Computing Systems | 14324350 | 14330490 | Springer | Germany |
4700153605 | Tongxin Xuebao/Journal on Communication | 1000436X | People's Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House | China | |
19900191735 | Topics in Cognitive Science | 17568757 | 17568765 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
19900193654 | Transactions of the Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science | 13478826 | Nihon Keisan Kogakkai | Japan | |
145264 | Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence | 13460714 | Jinko Chino Gakkai | Japan | |
12197 | Transactions of the Society for Computer Simulation | 07406797 | Society for Computer Simulation | United States | |
12100154406 | Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization | 15443566 | 15443973 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States |
19700186871 | Transactions on Data Privacy | 18885063 | 20131631 | Institut d'Investigacio en Intel-ligencia Artificial - Consejo Superior Investigaciones Cientificas (IIIA-CSIC) | Spain |
20300195016 | Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications | 16859545 | Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Communications and Information Technology Association (ECTI) | Thailand | |
10300153313 | Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems | 15399087 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States | |
21100301601 | Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems | 21606455 | 21606463 | Association for Computing Machinary, Inc. | United States |
147210 | Transform | 15342832 | CMP Media LLC | United States | |
12400154710 | Transport and Telecommunication | 14076160 | Transport and Telecommunication Institute | Latvia | |
21100241736 | Transportmetrica B | 21680566 | 21680582 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
19700175035 | Trends in Bioinformatics | 19947941 | 20772254 | Asian Network for Scientific Information | Pakistan |
19700183008 | TripleC | 1726670X | Unified Theory of Information Research Group | Austria | |
22933 | Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | 13000632 | 13036203 | Scientific and Technical research Council of Turkey - TUBITAK/Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Arastirma Kurumu | Turkey |
21100236814 | Ubiquitous Learning | 18359795 | Common Ground Publishing | United States | |
5000153105 | Understanding Complex Systems | 18600840 | Springer | Germany | |
2600147401 | Universal Access in the Information Society | 16155289 | 16155297 | Springer | Germany |
18947 | User Modelling and User-Adapted Interaction | 09241868 | 15731391 | Springer | Netherlands |
19700201695 | Vascular Cell | 2045824X | Springer | United Kingdom | |
12987 | Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. 15 Vychislitel'naya Matematika i Kibernetika | 01370782 | Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta im.M.V.Lomonosova/Publishing House of Moscow State University | Russian Federation | |
145238 | VINE | 03055728 | 14741032 | Emerald | United Kingdom |
5800173379 | Virtual and Physical Prototyping | 17452759 | 17452767 | Taylor & Francis | United Kingdom |
144702 | Virtual Reality | 13594338 | Springer | United Kingdom | |
26146 | Visual Computer | 01782789 | 14322315 | Springer | Germany |
13646 | VLDB Journal | 10668888 | 0949877X | Springer | Germany |
62723 | VLSI Design | 1065514X | 15635171 | Hindawi | Egypt |
24872 | Web Intelligence and Agent Systems | 15701263 | IOS Press | Netherlands | |
14879 | Web Semantics | 15708268 | Elsevier | Netherlands | |
21100200203 | Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science | 17590876 | 17590884 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
21100228068 | Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | 19424787 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States | |
17543 | Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing | 15308669 | 15308677 | Wiley-Blackwell | United States |
17569 | Wireless Networks | 10220038 | 15728196 | Springer | Netherlands |
20725 | Wireless Personal Communications | 09296212 | 1572834X | Springer | Netherlands |
14490 | Wirtschaftsinformatik | 09376429 | Springer | Germany | |
6000195383 | WIT Transactions on Biomedicine and Health | 17433525 | WIT Press | United Kingdom | |
15069 | World Patent Information | 01722190 | Elsevier | United Kingdom | |
14965 | World Wide Web | 1386145X | 15731413 | Springer | Netherlands |
1900147401 | WSEAS Transactions on Communications | 11092742 | WSEAS Press | Greece | |
17700156003 | WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research | 19918755 | WSEAS Press | Greece | |
144885 | WSEAS Transactions on Computers | 11092750 | WSEAS Press | Greece | |
144808 | WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications | 17900832 | WSEAS Press | Greece | |
12100154403 | WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing | 17905052 | WSEAS Press | Greece | |
144813 | WSEAS Transactions on Systems | 11092777 | WSEAS Press | Greece | |
17700155820 | WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control | 19918763 | WSEAS Press | Greece | |
27930 | Wuhan Daxue Xuebao (Xinxi Kexue Ban)/Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University | 16718860 | Wuhan Cehui Keji Daxue/Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping | China | |
27686 | Xi'an Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Xidian University | 10012400 | Xi's an Dianzi Keji Daxue | China | |
16087 | Xiaoxing Weixing Jisuanji Xitong/Mini-Micro Systems | 10001220 | Zhongguo Kexueyuan | China | |
13608 | Xitong Fangzhen Xuebao/Acta Simulata Systematica Sinica | 1004731X | Zhongguo Xitong Fangzhen Xuehui | China | |
12914 | Xitong Gongcheng Lilun yu Shijian/System Engineering Theory and Practice | 10006788 | Zhongguo Xitong Gongcheng Xuehui | China | |
19700170833 | Yingyong Kexue Xuebao/Journal of Applied Sciences | 02558297 | Shanghai Science and Technology Press | China | |
25566 | Zidonghua Xuebao/Acta Automatica Sinica | 02544156 | Science Press | China | |
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