
Ne sont plus Scopus en 2021

Revues et conférences qui ne sont plus indexées par Scopus

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2021 Scopus Discontinued Sources List

Status: February 2021 Newly added titles are highlighted in orange.      
Source record ID   P-ISSN E-ISSN Publisher
18665 ABB Review 1013-3119   A B B Corporate Management Services AG
19700182619 Academic Journal of Cancer Research     International Digital Organization for Scientific Information (IDOSI)
19700175175 Academy of Marketing Studies Journal 1095-6298 1528-2678 Allied Academies
16755 Acta Bioquimica Clinica Latinoamericana 0325-2957 1851-6114 Federacion Bioquimica de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
27819 Acta Endoscopica 0240-642X 1958-5454 Springer
26562 Acta Medica Nagasakiensia 0001-6055   Nagasaki University School Of Medicine
19399 Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica 0001-6659 1587-1495 Magyar Gyogyszerésztudományi Társaság
13884 Acta Technica CSAV (Ceskoslovensk Akademie Ved) 0001-7043   Academy Of Sciences Of The Czech Republic
19700167903 Actual Problems of Economics 1993-6788   National Academy of Management
19700187642 Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 2042-4868 2042-4876 Maxwell Scientific Publications
21100223579 Advanced Materials Letters 0976-3961 0976-397X VBRI Press AB
4700151906 Advanced Materials Research 1022-6680 1662-8985 TransTech
19700181106 Advanced Science Letters 1936-6612 1936-7317 American Scientific Publishers
11300153315 Advanced Studies In Theoretical Physics 1313-1311 1314-7609 Hikari Ltd
19700187801 Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics 0973-4686   Pushpa Publishing House
28043 Advances in Modelling and Analysis A 1258-5769   AMSE Press
28046 Advances in Modelling and Analysis C 1240-4535   AMSE Press
17606 African Journal of Neurological Sciences 1015-8618 1992-2647 Pan American Association of Neurological Sciences
18500168200 African Journal of Psychiatry (South Africa) 1994-8220   OMICS Publishing Group
4700152608 African Journal of Traditional Complementary and Alternative Medicines 0189-6016 2505-0044 African Traditional Herbal Medicine Supporters Initiative
71472 Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech 1722-6996 2035-4606 Teknoscienze
100147321 Air and Space Power Journal 1555-385X 1554-2505 AU Press
19364 Aktuality v Nefrologii 1210-955X 1213-3248 Tigis Spol. S.R.O.
5100155058 Aktualnosci Neurologiczne 1641-9227 2451-0696 Medical Communications
20159 Alergie 1212-3536 1212-687X Tigis s.r.o.
8300153132 American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science 1557-4989 1557-4997 Science Publications
6400153122 American Journal of Applied Sciences 1546-9239 1554-3641 Science Publications
19700188317 American Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2150-4210 2150-4253 Academic Journals Inc.
21100399172 American Journal of Cancer Research   2156-6976 E-Century Publishing Corporation
19700188326 American Journal of Drug Discovery and Development 2150-427X 2150-4296 Academic Journals Inc.
21100437958 American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences   1941-7039 Science Publications
5400152617 American Journal of Environmental Sciences 1553-345X 1558-3910 Science Publications
5700165154 American Journal of Food Technology 1557-4571 1557-458X Academic Journals Inc.
21100855407 American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer   2374-5398 CIP Columbia International Publishing
10400153308 American Journal of Immunology 1553-619X 1558-3775 Science Publications
5400152637 American Journal of Infectious Diseases 1553-6203 1558-6340 Science Publications
21100334845 American Journal of Neurodegenerative Disease   2165-591X E-Century Publishing Corporation
5400152620 American Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 1557-4962 1557-4970 Science Publications
5700165153 American Journal of Plant Physiology 1557-4539 1557-4547 Academic Journals Inc.
5700170931 American Journal of Semiotics 0277-7126 2153-2990 Philosophy Documentation Center
21100332454 American Journal of Stem Cells   2160-4150 E-Century Publishing Corporation
16300154755 Analecta Bollandiana 0003-2468 2507-0290 Societe Des Bollandistes
21100255395 Anales de Documentacion 1575-2437 1697-7904 University of Murcia
70864 Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia 1697-4271 1697-428X Real Acad Nacional Farmacia
10600153357 Anales Venezolanos de Nutricion 0798-0752   Fundacion Cavendes
21100469375 Annals of Translational Medicine 2305-5839 2305-5847 AME Publishing Company
19700175302 Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health   0974-6005 Wolters Kluwer Health
21100791821 Annual Research and Review in Biology   2347-565X SCIENCEDOMAIN international
5700161108 Anthropologist 0972-0073   Kamla-Raj Enterprises
N/A Applied Computing Conference - Proceedings     World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
25166 Applied Mathematical Sciences 1312-885X 1314-7552 Hikari Ltd
4700151914 Applied Mechanics and Materials 1660-9336 1662-7482 TransTech / SciTec Publications
22756 Archiv fur Kriminologie 0003-9225   Verlag Schmidt-Romhild
21100225606 Archives of Clinical Microbiology   1989-8436 iMedPub
4600151508 Archivos de Medicina   1698-9465 iMedPub
19978 Ars Pharmaceutica   2340-9894 Editorial Universidad de Granada
20100195016 Asia Life Sciences 0117-3375   Asia Life Sciences
16228 Asian Agri-History 0971-7730   Asian Agri-History Foundation
16500154705 Asian Journal of Agricultural Research 1819-1894   Academic Journals Inc.
10600153337 Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 1683-9919   Academic Journals Inc.
13600154732 Asian Journal of Animal Sciences 1819-1878   Academic Journals Inc.
21100201062 Asian Journal of Applied Sciences 1996-3343   Academic Journals Inc.
11300153309 Asian Journal of Biochemistry 1815-9923   Academic Journals Inc.
12000154492 Asian Journal of Cell Biology 1814-0068   Academic Journals Inc.
17100154710 Asian Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1992-1470 2077-2033 ANSI Asian Network for Scientific Information
15600154708 Asian Journal of Crop Science 1994-7879 2077-2041 ANSI Asian Network for Scientific Information
17600155134 Asian Journal of Earth Sciences 1819-1886 2152-3509 Academic Journals Inc.
19700175036 Asian Journal of Epidemiology 1992-1462 2077-205X ANSI Asian Network for Scientific Information
19700171018 Asian Journal of Information Technology 1682-3915 1993-5994 Medwell Journals
19632 Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences 0972-3005   Global Science Publications
19700174904 Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 0974-2441 2455-3891 Innovare Academics Sciences Pvt. Ltd
21000195625 Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care 2250-1444 2250-1460 Informatics Publishing Ltd.
19700174931 Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics 0973-8398 1998-409X Wolters Kluwer: Medknow Publications
17800156756 Asian Journal of Plant Pathology 1819-1541   Academic Journals Inc.
16500154706 Asian Journal of Poultry Science 1819-3609   Academic Journals Inc.
16500154707 Asian Journal of Scientific Research 1992-1454 2077-2076 ANSI Asian Network for Scientific Information
21100198464 Asian Social Science 1911-2017 1911-2025 Canadian Center of Science and Education
17700155011 AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv 1863-8155 1863-8163 Springer
21100367736 Atti della Societa Toscana di Scienze Naturali 0365-7655   Societa toscana di scienze naturali
30411 Aufbereitungs-Technik 0004-783X   Bauverlag BV Gmbh
19700174627 Australasian Medical Journal   1836-1935 PULSUS Group
11300153722 Australian Entomologist 1320-6133   Entomological Society Of Queensland
7900153132 Australian Field Ornithology 1448-0107 2206-3447 Bird Observers Club Of Australia (Boca)
21719 BAG - Journal of Basic and Applied Genetics 1666-0390 1852-6233 Socieded Argentina de Geanetic
12300154715 Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy 1028-2092 2224-7297 Bangladesh Assoc Plant Taxonomists
21100202936 Biology and Medicine   0974-8369 AstonJournals
28594 Biomedical Research 0970-938X 0976-1683 Allied Academies
18412 Biomedical Reviews 1310-392X 1314-1929 Medical University Press, Varna
7200153130 Biophysical Reviews and Letters 1793-0480 1793-7035 World Scientific Publishing
19700176044 Bioscience Research 1811-9506 2218-3973 Isisnet: Innovative Scientific Information Services Network
5100152606 Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia 0973-1245   OSPC Oriental Scientific Publishing Company, Inc.
15300154804 Biotechnology 1682-296X 1682-2978 ANSI Asian Network for Scientific Information
20500195433 BioTechnology: An Indian Journal 0974-7435   Trade Science Inc
25253 Blutalkohol 0006-5250   Bund gegen Alkohol und Drogen im Straßenverkehr
17266 Blyttia 0006-5269 1894-3985 Norsk Botanisk Forening
28657 Bolest 1212-0634 1212-6861 Tigis s.r.o.
16127 Boletin Tecnico/Technical Bulletin 0376-723X   Universidad Central De Venezuela
27490 Bulletin d'Association de Geographes Francais 0004-5322 2275-5195 Association de Geographes Francais
21100435543 Business and Economic Horizons   1804-5006 Prague Development Center
50077 C e ca 0045-6152   Techna Group S.r.l.
4800152402 Canadian Journal of Geriatrics 1718-1879   Andrew John Publishing Inc.
17900156733 Carbon Science and Technology   0974-0546 Applied Science Innovations Pvt. Ltd. India
21100205702 Cardiology (Pakistan) 1811-8194 1993-6117 Medwell Journals
19182 Ceska Revmatologie 1210-7905 1805-4463 Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne
16390 Chemical Engineering 0009-2460 1945-368X Access Intelligence LLC / Chemical Week Assoc
16395 Chemical Engineering Education 0009-2479 2165-6428 American Society for Engineering Education
16402 Chemical Engineering Progress 0360-7275 1945-0710 American Institute of Chemical Engineers
4000148801 Chemistry 0861-9255 1313-8235 Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Bugaria
29239 Chinese Journal of Cancer Research 1000-9604 1993-0631 Springer
62974 Chinesische Medizin 0930-2786 2196-5668 Urban und Vogel Medien und Medizin Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
65449 Chung Cheng Ling Hsueh Pao 0255-6030   Chung Cheng Institute of Technology
301978699 Clay Research 0255-7193 0974-4509 The Clay Minerals Society of India
263710499 Clinical Rhinology 0974-4630 0975-6968 Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
28633 Communications In Applied Analysis 1083-2564   Dynamic Publishers Inc.
911323666 Compusoft   2320-0790 COMPUSOFT
21100825150 Computer Methods in Materials Science 1641-8581   Publishing House AKAPIT
29851 Congenital Anomalies 0914-3505   Wiley-Blackwell
21100265048 Contemporary Engineering Sciences 1313-6569 1314-7641 Hikari Ltd
4000151703 Core Evidence 1555-1741 1555-175X Dove Medical Press Ltd
11300153738 Corella 0155-0438 2203-4420 Australian Bird Study Association
21100316027 Corporate Board Role Duties and Composition 1810-8601 2312-2722 Virtus Interpress
5800198357 Corporate Ownership and Control 1727-9232 1810-3057 Virtus Interpress
6500153240 Cryptologia 0161-1194 1558-1586 Informa:  Taylor & Francis
21100228084 Cuadernos de Vivienda y Urbanismo 2027-2103 2145-0226 Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
21100831810 Current Biomarker Findings   2230-2492 Taylor and Francis: Dove Medical Press Ltd
19700190354 Current Neurobiology 0975-9042 0976-1705 OMICS Publishing Group
19700175008 Current Research In Tuberculosis 1819-3366 2152-3363 Academic Journals Inc.
19700188428 Der Pharma Chemica   0975-413X Scholars Research Library
19700200724 Der Pharmacia Lettre   0975-5071 Scholars Research Library
144676 Dermatologia Cosmetica, Medica y Quirurgica 1665-4390   Sociedad Mexicana de Cirurgia Dermatologica y Oncologia
12446 Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Akupunktur 0415-6412 1439-4359 Elsevier:  Urban und Fischer
19600164100 Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Onkologie 1617-5891 1439-0930 Thieme
5600153105 Deviance et Societe 0378-7931 2296-4096 Editions Medecine Et Hygiene
19700174893 Dhaka University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1816-1820 1816-1839 Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
5200152617 Diabetes and Primary Care 1466-8955   OmniaMed SB
13100154702 Diabetes, Stoffwechsel und Herz 1861-7603   Verlag Kirchheim + Co GmbH
7200153143 Dialisis y Trasplante 1886-2845 1886-7278 Elsevier
21100239831 Diversity & Equality in Health and Care 2049-5471   iMedPub
21100202909 Drug Invention Today   0975-7619 Association of Pharmaceutical Innovators
21100205731 Dyna 0012-7361 1989-1490 Federacion de Asociaciones de Ingenieros Industriales de Espana
28720 Dynamic Systems and Applications 1056-2176   Dynamic Publishers Inc.
15458 Dynamische Psychiatrie 0012-740X   Pinel-Verlag fuer Humanistische Psychiatrie und Philosophie
51117 Eastern Anthropologist 0012-8686   Serials Publications (a.k.a. International Science Press)
17895 Ecos - Review of Conservation   2397-0944 British Association Of Nature Conservationists
21100237426 Ekonomista 0013-3205 2299-6184 Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne S.A.
15642 Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering   1089-3032 Oklahoma State University
318817199 Elementary Education Online   1305-3515 Ankara University Faculty of Education Department Primary Education
15400155900 Endokrinologya 1310-8131   Klinichen Tsentur po Endokrinologiia i Gerontologiia
19700182042 Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research 1308-772X   Sila Science
19700182031 Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies 1308-7711   Sila Science
16061 Engineering Design Graphics Journal 0046-2012 1949-9167 American Society For Engineering Education
21100205743 English Language Teaching 1916-4742 1916-4750 Canadian Center of Science and Education
19872 Entomologist''s Gazette 0013-8894   Pemberley
19700175101 Entrepreneurial Executive 1087-8955 1939-4667 Allied Academies
21100856538 Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues   2345-0282 Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Center
21100227410 EPJ Web of Conferences 2101-6275 2100-014X EDP Sciences
21100854119 Erciyes Medical Journal 2149-2247 2149-2549 Erciyes University
28109 Espace Geographique 0046-2497 1776-2936 Editions Belin
17700156205 Essaim 1287-258X 1776-2839 Editions Eres
145357 Ethique et Sante 1765-4629 1769-695X Elsevier
21100232418 Ethnobiology Letters   2159-8126 Society of Ethnobiology
21100195303 Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry   1306-3057 Modestum LTD
4900153302 European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences 1450-2275   Eurojournals Inc
21100200821 European Journal of Electrical Engineering 2103-3641 2116-7109 Lavoisier
21100863640 European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine   2515-8260 Ubiquity Press
4700152772 European Journal of Palliative Care 1352-2779 1479-0793 Hayward Medical Communications Ltd.
4400151716 European Journal of Scientific Research 1450-202X   Eurojournals
89410 European Journal of Social Sciences 1450-2267   Eurojournals Inc
21100216333 European Research Studies Journal 1108-2976   International Strategic Management Association
19700176236 Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 1792-0981 1792-1015 Spandidos Publications
14148 Familiendynamik 0342-2747   Verlag Klett-Cotta
21100244835 Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications 0973-7006   Pushpa Publishing House
17900156722 Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 0972-0871   Pushpa Publishing House
21795 Farmaceuticky Obzor 0014-8172   Vydavatelstvo Herba
21800 Farmacevtski Vestnik 0014-8229   Slovensko Farmacevtsko Dru?tvo
17900156726 Formalized Mathematics 1426-2630 1898-9934 Walter de Gruyter
27958 Forum Logopadie 0932-0547   Schulz-Kirchner Verlag GmbH
145526 Foundations of Chemistry 1386-4238 1572-8463 Springer
18551 Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica 1640-629X 2449-8890 W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences
23632 Frontiers 0160-9009 1536-0334 Ohio State University
28195 GIM International 1566-9076   Geomatics Information & Trading Centre BV
37673 Giornale Italiano di Diabetologia e Metabolismo 1593-6104   Pacini Editore
19700181240 Global Journal of Pharmacology 1992-0075   International Digital Organization for Scientific Information (IDOSI)
19700200853 Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 0973-1768 0973-9750 Research India Publications
14000156160 Global Media Journal 1550-7521   OMICS Publishing Group
19900192601 Global Veterinaria 1992-6197 1999-8163 International Digital Organization for Scientific Information (IDOSI)
63434 Gogus-Kalp-Damar Anestezi ve Yogun Bakim Dernegi Dergisi 1305-5550   Logos Tip Yayinciligi
14243 Group Analysis 0533-3164 1461-717X Sage
15687 Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik 0017-4947 2196-7989 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
18082 Gummi, Fasern, Kunststoffe 0176-1625   Dr. Gupta Verlag
19700174813 Head and Neck Oncology   1758-3284 OA Publishing London
17700156513 Health Science Journal 1108-7366   iMedPub
25980 Hematologie 1264-7527 1950-6368 John Libbey Eurotext
25975 Hitachi Review 0018-277X   Hitachi Ltd.
21100201055 Human and Veterinary Medicine 2066-7655 2066-7663 Bioflux_srl
21100886224 Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews   2395-6518 Gyandhara International Academy Publications
28739 Hygiena 1802-6281 1803-1056 Tigis s.r.o.
4500151521 ICGA Journal 1389-6911 2468-2438 IOS Press
17700156703 IEJME - Mathematics Education 1306-3030 2468-4945 Look Academic Publishers
19700188348 IIAOB Journal 0976-3104   Institute of Integrative Omics and Applied Biotechnology (IIOAB)
15196 Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 0019-5189 0975-1009 National Institute Of Science Communication
14671 Indian Journal of Medical Sciences 0019-5359 1998-3654 Scientific Scholar Pvt. Ltd.
19700188435 Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development 0976-0245 0976-5506 Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development
21100201522 Indian Journal of Science and Technology 0974-6846 0974-5645 Indian Society for Education and Environment
21100201065 Information (Japan) 1343-4500 1344-8994 International Information Institute Ltd.
14714 Intensiv- und Notfallbehandlung 0947-5362   Dustri-Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle
19700166519 International archives of medicine   1755-7682 iMedPub
19300157107 International Business Management 1993-5250   Medwell Journals
20600195618 International Conference on Applied and Computational Mathematics   2223-2877 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
19900191942 International Conference on Applied Computer Science - Proceedings   1792-4863 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
19900192205 International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Informatics - Proceedings     World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
19900191946 International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Simulation, Modelling - Proceedings   1792-4332 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
19900191924 International Conference on Circuits, Systems and Signals - Proceedings   1792-4324 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
19900192202 International conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control and Signal Processing - Proceedings     World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
19900191928 International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications - Proceedings     World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
19900192206 International Conference on Communication and Management in Technological Innovation and Academic Globalization - Proceedings     World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
21100495829 International Conference on Communications - Proceedings     World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
19900191923 International Conference on Communications and Information Technology - Proceedings   1792-4316 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
19900192209 International Conference on Data Networks, Communications, Computers - Proceedings     World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
19900192207 International Conference on Development, Energy, Environment, Economics - Proceedings     World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
19900191927 International Conference on Education and Educational Technologies - Proceedings   1792-5061 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
19900191916 International Conference on Electric Power Systems, High voltages, Electric machines, International conference on Remote sensing - Proceedings     World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
19900191925 International Conference on Energy and Development, Environment and Biomedicine - Proceedings   1792-4340 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
21100521165 International Conference on Engineering Education and International Conference on Education and Educational Technologies - Proceedings     World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
19900191965 International Conference on Engineering Mechanics, Structures, Engineering Geology, International Conference on Geography and Geology - Proceedings     World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
20500195412 International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Quality and Production Systems, MEQAPS - Proceedings   1792-4693 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
19900192210 International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering - Proceedings     World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
19900191960 International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Computational Techniques in Electrical Engineering - Proceedings     World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
19900192208 International Conference on Mathematical Models for Engineering Science - Proceedings     World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
19900191939 International conference on System Science and Simulation in Engineering - Proceedings   1792-507X World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
19900191926 International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Heat and Mass Transfer - Proceedings   1792-4359 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
19900191919 International Conference on Urban Planning and Transportation - Proceedings     World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
20500195414 International Conference on Urban Sustainability, Cultural Sustainability, Green Development, Green Structures and Clean Cars, USCUDAR - Proceedings     World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
19900192203 International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Simulation - Proceedings     World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
21100201982 International Education Studies 1913-9020   Canadian Center of Science and Education
21100856144 International Journal of Advanced Computer Research 2249-7277 2277-7970 Accents Social And Welfare Society
21100944103 International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology 0976-6480 0976-6499 IAEME Publication
21100829147 International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 2005-4238 2207-6360 Science and Engineering Research Support Society
21100896268 International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering   2278-3091 World Academy of Research in Science and Egineering
19700188318 International Journal of Advances In Pharmaceutical Sciences   0976-1055 Advanced Research Journals
7200153152 International Journal of Agricultural Research 1816-4897 2152-2553 Academic Journals Inc.
21100218545 International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 0972-7302   Serials Publications (a.k.a. International Science Press)
19700173002 International Journal of Applied Chemistry 0973-1792 0973-9734 Research India Publications
21100217234 International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 0973-4562 0973-9769 Research India Publications
21100422125 International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature 2200-3592 2200-3452 Australian International Academic Centre PTY. LTD.
19900193502 International Journal of Applied Research in Natural Products   1940-6223 Healthy Synergies Publications
19900192586 International Journal of Bio Science and Bio Technology 2233-7849   Science and Engineering Research Support Society
19700188407 International Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology   2152-4114 E-Century Publishing Corporation
15500154707 International Journal of Biological Chemistry 1819-155X 2152-2561 Academic Journals Inc.
19700174967 International Journal of Biomedical Science 1550-9702 1555-2810 Master Publishing Group
4700152857 International Journal of Botany 1811-9700 1811-9719 ANSI Asian Network for Scientific Information
21100322426 International Journal of Business Research 1555-1296 2378-8577 International Academy of Business and Economics
4400151502 International Journal of Cancer Research 1811-9727 1811-9735 Academic Journals Inc.
21100792740 International Journal of Celiac Disease 2334-3427 2334-3486 Science and Education Publishing
20400195007 International Journal of Chemical Sciences 0972-768X   Sadguru Publications
19700175055 International Journal of Chemtech Research 0974-4290 2455-9555 Sphinx Knowledge House
21100785495 International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 09766308 09766316 IAEME Publication
17600155122 International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine   1940-5901 E-Century Publishing Corporation
17600155123 International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology   1936-2625 E-Century Publishing Corporation
21100197912 International Journal of Control and Automation   2005-4297 Science and Engineering Research Support Society
21100231630 International Journal of Control Theory and Applications 0974-5572   Serials Publications
19700200860 International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research   0976-822X Dr Yashwant L Choudhry
21100223710 International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations 1447-9532 1447-9583 Common Ground Research Networks
19700201333 International Journal of Drug Delivery   0975-0215 Advanced Research Journals
19700175758 International Journal of Drug Development and Research 0975-9344   iMedPub
19700188324 International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering 0974-5904   CAFET-INNOVA Technical Society
21100408983 International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics 0973-1385 0973-7537 CESER Centre for Environment, Social and Economic Research
17700156220 International Journal of Ecology and Development 0972-9984 0973-7308 Centre for Environment, Social and Economic Research (CESER) Publications
22749 International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 0377-015X 2320-5199 National Institute of Ecology
19700177302 International Journal of Economic Perspectives   1307-1637 International Economic Society
19700181206 International Journal of Economic Research 0972-9380   Serials Publications (a.k.a. International Science Press)
21100890303 International Journal of Economics and Business Administration 2241-4754   International Strategic Management Association
21100373226 International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues   2146-4138 Econjournals
21100913341 International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research   2347-3983 World Academy of Research in Science and Egineering
21100899502 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology   2249-8958 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication
21100200832 International Journal of Engineering and Technology 2319-8613 0975-4024 Engg Journals Publications
21100805731 International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE)   2227-524X Science Publishing Corporation
78090 International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications 1472-8915   C R L Publishing Ltd.
21100828027 International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 0974-3154   International Research Publication House
17700155408 International Journal of Environmental and Science Education   1306-3065 Look Academic Publishers
21100890290 International Journal of Finance Research 1923-4023 1923-4031 Sciendu Press
19700174900 International Journal of Green Pharmacy 0973-8258 1998-4103 B R Nahata College of Pharmacy
21100806998 International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing 2005-4262 2207-6379 SERSC Australia
12400154721 International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking 1740-0562 1740-0570 Inderscience Publishers
914501740 International Journal of Higher Education 1927-6044 1927-6052 Sciedu Press
19600161809 International Journal of Human Genetics 0972-3757   Kamla-Raj Enterprises
20500195139 International Journal of Imaging and Robotics   2231-525X CESER Centre for Environment, Social and Economic Research
21100819610 International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 2201-1315 2201-1323 Primrose Hall Publishing Group
21100889409 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering   2278-3075 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication
17500155122 International Journal of Integrative Biology 0974-2816 0973-8363 Omics Publishing Group
21100787766 International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications 2074-904X 2074-9058 Modern Education And Computer Science Press
21100840026 International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing   2010-3700 EJournals
21100945713 International Journal of Management 0976-6502 0976-6510 IAEME Publication
17300154704 International Journal of Mathematical Analysis 1312-8876 1314-7579 Hikari Ltd
18100156703 International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences   1998-0140 NAUN North Atlantic University Union
17700156720 International Journal of Mathematics and Computers In Simulation   1998-0159 NAUN North Atlantic University Union
21100199803 International Journal of Mechanical and Mechanics Engineering 2227-2771 2077-124X IJENS Publishers
21100814505 International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development 2249-6890 2249-8001 Transstellar Journal Publications and Research Consultancy Private Limited (TJPRC)
21100808402 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 0976-6340 0976-6359 IAEME Publication
19511 International Journal of Mobile Communications 1470-949X 1741-5217 Inderscience Publishers
19700175829 International Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and Genetics   1948-1756 E-Century Publishing Corporation
21100197523 International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering 1975-0080   Science and Engineering Research Support Society
20000195080 International Journal of Network Security 1816-353X 1816-3548 Femto Technique Co., Ltd.
19700174617 International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography 0973-2667 0974-4827 Research India Publications
19800188067 International Journal of Osteoporosis and Metabolic Disorders 1994-5442 2077-2157 ANSI Asian Network for Scientific Information
21100790061 International Journal of Pediatrics- Mashhad   2345-5055 Mashhad University of Medical Sciences
20600195619 International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences   0975-6299 UBI journal Ubitech pvt lts
19900192173 International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research   0975-1556 Dr. Yashwant Choudhary
263721399 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research   0975-2366 Advanced Scientific Research
19700188319 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research   0976-044X Global Research Online Publishing House
20400195018 International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research   0975-4873 Yashwant L Choudhary
3900148201 International Journal of Pharmacology 1811-7775 1812-5700 ANSI Asian Network for Scientific Information
19700174810 International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences   0975-1491 Innovare Academic Sciences Pvt ltd
19700201471 International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology   0975-766X Dr.B.A.Reddy
19700175060 International Journal of Pharmtech Research 0974-4304 2455-9563 SPHINX KNOWLEDGE HOUSE
19700174979 International Journal of Physiology, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology   1944-8171 E-Century Publishing Corporation
19700188355 International Journal of Phytomedicine   0975-0185 Advanced Research Journals
4000151807 International Journal of Poultry Science 1682-8356 1994-7992 ANSI Asian Network for Scientific Information
17700156008 International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation   1475-7192 Hampstead Psychological Associates
19700182690 International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics   1314-3395 Academic Publications Ltd.
21100889873 International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering   2277-3878 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication
21100293201 International Journal of Research In Ayurveda and Pharmacy 2277-4343 2229-3566 Moksha Publishing House
922183226 International Journal of Research in Education and Science   2148-9955 Ismail Sahin
80081499 International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences   0975-7538 JK Welfare & Pharmascope Foundation
21100894501 International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research   2277-8616 International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
21100199112 International Journal of Security and Its Applications 1738-9976   Science and Engineering Research Support Society
19700182218 International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology 1473-804X 1473-8031 Uk Simulation Society
21100846309 International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy 2315-4462 2373-3594 Engineering and Technology Publishing
20200195004 International Journal of Smart Home 1975-4094 2383-725X Science and Engineering Research Support Society
17200154704 International Journal of Soft Computing 1816-9503   Medwell Journals
21100199850 International Journal of Software Engineering and its Applications 1738-9984   Science and Engineering Research Support Society
6100153027 International Journal of Soil Science 1816-4978   Academic Journals Inc.
21100429502 International Journal of Supply Chain Management 2051-3771 2050-7399 Exceling Tech Publishers
19700173022 International Journal of Systems Signal Control and Engineering Application 1997-5422 2309-9607 Medwell Journals
21100298063 International Journal of Tomography and Simulation 2319-3336   CESER Centre for Environment, Social and Economic Research
21100205709 International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research   0975-5160 Yashwant L Choudhary
19700175161 International Journal of Tropical Medicine 1816-3319 1818-779X Medwell Journals
4700153606 International Journal of Virology 1816-4900   Academic Journals Inc.
21100201525 International Journal of Wine Research   1179-1403 Dove Medical Press Ltd.
4700152479 International Journal of Zoological Research 1811-9778 1811-9786 Academic Journals Inc.
21100246541 International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences 1942-2660   International Academy, Research, and Industrial Association
21100901133 International Journal on Emerging Technology 0975-8364 2249-3255 Research Trend
17700156323 International Research Journal of Finance and Economics 1450-2887   Eurojournals Inc
21100408192 International Review of Management and Marketing   2146-4405 EconJournals
18800156705 International Review on Computers and Software 1828-6003 1828-6011 Praise Worthy Prize
19700175066 Internet Journal of Microbiology   1937-8289 Internet Scientific Publications
17700155031 Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal 2074-1804 2074-1812 Kowsar Medical
15314 Japanese Journal of Antibiotics 0368-2781 2186-5477 Japan Infectious Diseases Association of Public Interest Foundation
25299 JOP. Journal of the Pancreas 1590-8577   iMedPub
23806 Journal des Maladies Vasculaires 0398-0499   Elsevier: Masson
911323659 Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists   2149-360X Journal for the Education of the Young Scientists and Giftedness
23823 Journal fur Hypertonie 1028-2327 1680-9378 Krause und Pachernegg
23824 Journal fur Kardiologie 1024-0098 1680-936x Krause & Pachernegg GmbH
26946 Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies 1203-8407 2371-1175 Sycamore Publications
20500195215 Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems   1943-023X Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
21100286923 Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics   2068-696X ASERS Publishing
10900153329 Journal of Agricultural Food and Environmental Sciences   1934-7235 Scientific Journals International
4000151604 Journal of Agronomy 1812-5379 1812-5417 ANSI Asian Network for Scientific Information
21100244802 Journal of AIDS and Clinical Research 2155-6113   OMICS Publishing Group
25312 Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education 0090-1482 2162-4119 Amer Alcohol Drug Information Foundation
21100316045 Journal of Analytical Oncology 1927-7210 1927-7229 Lifescience Global
21100244847 Journal of Anesthesia and Clinical Research   2155-6148 OMICS Publishing Group
12300154727 Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 1680-5593 1993-601X Medwell Journals
19700175833 Journal of Antivirals and Antiretrovirals 1948-5964   OMICS Publishing Group
19700174647 Journal of Applied Biological Sciences 1307-1130 2146-0108 Nobel Science And Research Center
19700171306 Journal of Applied Economic Sciences   2393-5162 ASERS Publishing
3900148513 Journal of Applied Science 1812-5654 1812-5662 Asian Network for Scientific Information
21100264003 Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development 2155-9546   OMICS Publishing Group
19203 Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 0146-6623   Allen Press
18800156718 Journal of Artificial Intelligence 1994-5450 2077-2173 ANSI Asian Network for Scientific Information
19700188309 Journal of Bioanalysis and Biomedicine 1948-593X   OMICS Publishing Group
18300156718 Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 1556-6560 1556-6579 American Scientific Publishers
19700188484 Journal of Bioequivalence and Bioavailability 0975-0851   OMICS Publishing Group
3900148202 Journal of Biological Sciences 1727-3048 1812-5719 ANSI Asian Network for Scientific Information
21100782386 Journal of Biology and Today's World 2476-5376 2322-3308 Lexis Publisher
21100278103 Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering 2157-9083 2157-9091 American Scientific Publishers
21100329555 Journal of Business and Retail Management Research 1751-8202 2056-6271 Academy Of Business And Retail Management Research
19700175828 Journal of Cancer Science and Therapy 1948-5956   OMICS Publishing Group
19700201521 Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 0975-7384   JOCPR
19700201516 Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 0974-2115 2349-8552 PR Publications
19700188420 Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine 1309-0720 1309-2014 Derman Medical Publishing
16400154778 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2249-782X 0973-709X JCDR Research and Publications Pvt Limited
21100313913 Journal of Clinical and Experimental Cardiology   2155-9880 OMICS Publishing Group
16338 Journal of Clinical Engineering 0363-8855   Wolters Kluwer
19700186829 Journal of Computers 1796-203X   Academy publisher
21100228316 Journal of Computers (Taiwan) 1991-1599 2312-993X Computer Society of the Republic of China
21100920227 Journal of Critical Reviews   2394-5125 Innovare Academics Sciences Pvt. Ltd
16693 Journal of Dementia Care 1351-8372   Hawker Publications Ltd.
4800152306 Journal of Digital Information Management 0972-7272   Digital Information Research Foundation
19300157035 Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research 1533-3604 1533-3590 Allied Academies
23344 Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health 0972-4397 0974-0805 Academy of Environmental Biology
21100230500 Journal of Electrical Engineering   1582-4594 Editura Politehnica, Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara
21100199344 Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence 1798-0461   Academy publisher
52429 Journal of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa 1608-9677 2220-1009 Medpharm Publications
21100231100 Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 1816-949X 1818-7803 Medwell Journals
4700152483 Journal of Entomology 1812-5670 1812-5689 Academic Journals Inc.
19700176302 Journal of Entrepreneurship Education 1098-8394 1528-2651 Allied Academies
21100887430 Journal of Environment Treatment Techniques   2309-1185 Dorma Journals
145018 Journal of Environmental Hydrology 1058-3912 1996-7918 International Association for Environmental Hydrology
17100154711 Journal of Environmental Science and Technology   2077-2181 ANSI Asian Network for Scientific Information
17614 Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology 0022-0930 1608-3202 Springer: Maik Nauka-Interperiodica Publishing
15500154702 Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 1816-4927 1996-0751 Academic Journals Inc.
3200147807 Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment   1459-0263 WFL Publishers Ltd.
19900193655 Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications 1736-5279 1736-4337 OMICS Publishing Group
144613 Journal of Generic Medicines 1741-1343 1741-7090 Sage
19700200708 Journal of Global Pharma Technology   0975-8542 Journal of Global Pharma Technology
18800156717 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences   1934-7227 Scientific Journals International
23413 Journal of Industrial Pollution Control 0970-2083   Research and Reviews
259427199 Journal of Information Technology Research 1938-7857 1938-7865 IGI Global
21100798510 Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology   2146-8397 eJManager LLC
19300157108 Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research 1945-3019 1936-6264 Scientific Journals International
17700156404 Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education 1077-0755   Association For International Agricultural And Extension Education
21100415050 Journal of International Business and Economics 1544-8037 2378-9174 International Academy of Business and Economics
18300156727 Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce   1204-5357 Allied Academies
19216 Journal of Japanese Botany 0022-2062   Tsumura and Co.
21100229162 Journal of Konbin 1895-8281 2083-4608 De Gruyter Open Ltd.
21100200601 Journal of Language and Literature 2078-0303   Proqres Publishing House
21100301415 Journal of Language Teaching and Research 1798-4769 2053-0684 Academy publisher
21100244634 Journal of Manufacturing Research 1943-8095   Nova Science Publishers Inc.
21100223585 Journal of Materials and Environmental Science 2028-2508   Universite Mohammed Premier Oujda
7400153105 Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1549-3644 1558-6359 Science Publications
632389511 Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences 2289-4659 2231-8380 Universiti Malaysia Pahang
21100247092 Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 2156-7018 2156-7026 American Scientific Publishers
19600164600 Journal of Medical Sciences 1682-4474 1812-5727 ANSI Asian Network for Scientific Information
19700188444 Journal of Microbial and Biochemical Technology 1948-5948   OMICS Publishing Group
19700186852 Journal of Multimedia 1796-2048   Academy publisher
18500166400 Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics 1555-130X 1555-1318 American Scientific Publishers
21100241608 Journal of Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology   2157-7439 OMICS Publishing Group
28546 Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 1533-4880 1533-4899 American Scientific Publishers
19700186825 Journal of Networks 1796-2056   Academy publisher
21100399105 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 2008-1898 2008-1901 ISPUB Internet Scientific Publications LLC
19700175177 Journal of Organizational Culture Communications and Conflict 1544-0508 1939-4691 Allied Academies
19700174933 Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research   0975-1459 Pharmainfo Publications
19700175858 Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy 2141-2502   Academic Journals Inc.
11200153306 Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 1816-496X 2152-100X Academic Journals Inc.
144942 Journal of Physical Therapy Science   2187-5626 Society of Physical Therapy Science (Rigaku Ryoho Kagakugakkai)
7700153105 Journal of Plant Sciences 1816-4951   Academic Journals Inc.
25900 Journal of Polymer Materials 0973-8622 0976-3449 Oxford & I.B.H. Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
21100199307 Journal of Probability and Statistics 1687-952X 1687-9538 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
19600157004 Journal of Proteomics and Bioinformatics 0974-276X   OMICS Publishing Group
30049 Journal of Psychohistory 0145-3378   Association for Psychohistory, Inc.
23587 Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education 1521-4842 1930-8914 American Real Estate Society
641122727 Journal of Research in Gender Studies 2164-0262 2378-3524 Addleton Academic Publishers
13600154725 Journal of Residuals Science and Technology 1544-8053 2376-578X DEStech Publications, Inc.
21100817618 Journal of Reviews on Global Economics   1929-7092 Lifescience Global
7000153222 Journal of Rubber Research 1511-1768   Lembaga Getah Malaysia
18800156704 Journal of Science Education 0124-5481   math education
23650 Journal of Scientific Exploration 0892-3310   Society For Scientific Exploration
21100301405 Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues 2029-7017 2029-7025 The General Jonas Zemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania
21100870214 Journal of Social Sciences Research 2411-9458 2413-6670 Academic Research Publishing Group
21100899004 Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology 0976-6634 2456-6764 Kamla-Raj Enterprises
19700186824 Journal of Software 1796-217X   Academy publisher
19700173025 Journal of Software Engineering 1819-4311 2152-0941 Academic Journals Inc.
20100195054 Journal of Solid Mechanics 2008-3505 2008-7683 Islamic Azad University-Arak Branch
21100377768 Journal of Sustainable Development 1913-9063   Canadian Center of Science and Education
21100332206 Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering 2180-1843   Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
31872 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University 0023-6152 2433-488X Kyushu University
21100201076 Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology 0019-4247   Indian Academy of Applied Psychology
19700173325 Journal of The International Academy For Case Studies 1078-4950 1532-5822 Allied Academies
16838 Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education 1544-2896   Davidson College * Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience
21100244805 Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination 2157-7560   OMICS Publishing Group
21100248002 Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology 2157-7579   OMICS Publishing Group
5200152804 Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology 1063-455X 1934-936X Springer
19700177128 Journal of Young Pharmacists 0975-1483 0975-1505 Wolters Kluwer: Medknow Publications
19700188206 JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications 0972-5555   Pushpa Publishing House
19700188162 JP Journal of Geometry and Topology 0972-415X   Pushpa Publishing House
13585 Kemija u Industriji 0022-9830 1334-9090 Hrvatsko drustvo kemijskih inzenjera i tehnologa/Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers
12009 Kinderanalyse 0942-6051 2510-4209 J.C. Cotta''Sche Buchhandlung Nachvolger Gmbh
16505 Kitakanto Medical Journal 1343-2826 1881-1191 Kitakanto Medical Society
14111 Klinicka Biochemie a Metabolismus 1210-7921 2570-9402 Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne
16550 Kosmetische Medizin 1430-4031   gmc Gesundheitsmedien und Congress GmbH
6300153113 Larmbekampfung 1863-4672   Springer
24065 LC-GC Europe 1471-6577   Advanstar Communications
13800154702 Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies   1583-1078 AcademicDirect
13600154710 Life Science Journal 1097-8135   Zhengzhou University
22049 Limosa 0024-3620 2543-1552 Netherlandse Ornithologische Unie/Netherlands Ornithological Union
16300154705 Literary Review 0024-4589   Fairleigh Dickinson University
24498 Lowland Technology International 1344-9656 2187-8870 International Association of Lowland Technology
82170 Man in India 0025-1569   Serials Publications (a.k.a. International Science Press)
908891728 Management Science Letters 1923-9335 1923-9343 Growing Science
21100316064 MATEC Web of Conferences 2274-7214 2261-236X EDP Sciences
24557 Mathematical and Computational Applications 1300-686X 2297-8747 MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
17500155017 Medecine du Sommeil 1769-4493 2352-3395 Elsevier: Masson
21760 Medecine et Chirurgie du Pied 0759-2280 1765-2855 Springer
21100855844 Medicina e Chirurgia della Caviglia e del Piede 2284-2993 2532-1234 Edizioni Minerva Medica
76997099 Medico-Legal Update 0971-720X 0974-1283 Institute of Medico - Legal Publications Pvt Ltd
21100857169 Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry 2028-3997   Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry
21100283701 Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 2039-9340 2039-2117 Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research
18500159400 Melliand Textilberichte/International Textile Reports 0931-9735   Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH
13770 Memoranda - Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 0373-6873 1796-9816 Societas Pro Fauna Et Flora Fennica
12100156721 Mental Health in Family Medicine 1756-834X   iMedPub
21100197765 Metallurgical and Mining Industry 2076-0507 2078-8312 Ukrmetallurginform"STA" Ltd.
21100201971 Middle East Journal of Scientific Research 1990-9233 1999-8147 International Digital Organization for Scientific Information (IDOSI)
18584 Mitsubishi Electric Advance   1345-3041 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
28513 Modelling, Measurement and Control A 1259-5985   AMSE Press
28515 Modelling, Measurement and Control B 1259-5969   International Information and Engineering Technology Association
28531 Modelling, Measurement and Control C 1259-5977   AMSE Press
19900191611 Modern Applied Science 1913-1844 1913-1852 Canadian Center of Science and Education
12986 Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics 0278-6419 1934-8428 Springer
19700186885 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters 1941-4900 1941-4919 American Scientific Publishers
21100301603 National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology   2231-3206 Mrs Dipika Charan for MedScience Publishers
110124 Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Klinische Chemie en Laboratoriumgeneeskunde 1570-8306   Nederlandse Vereniging voor Klinische Chemie en Laboratoriumgeneeskunde
21100773742 Network Biology   2220-8879 International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
24805 Neural Parallel and Scientific Computations 1061-5369   Dynamic Systems and Applications, Dynamic Publishers, Inc,
6700153288 Neurochemical Journal 1819-7124 1819-7132 Springer
20511 Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 0300-5224   Dustri-Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle
5700165212 Obesite 1951-5995   Springer
29782 Occupational Health and Safety 0362-4064 1938-3851 1105 Media Inc.
12930 Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica 0030-154X 1881-154X Okajimas Folia Anatomica Yaponika Henshubu
21100446518 Oncoscience   2331-4737 Impact Journals LLC
13900154722 Opcion   1012-1587 Universidad del Zulia
19700186827 Open Electrical and Electronic Engineering Journal   1874-1290 Bentham Science Publishers
19700175151 Open Infectious Diseases Journal 1874-2793   Bentham Open
19700186910 Open Materials Science Journal   1874-088X Bentham Science Publishers
19300157028 Open Petroleum Engineering Journal   1874-8341 Bentham Science Publishers
11900154394 Oriental Journal of Chemistry 0970-020X 2231-5039 OSPC Oriental Scientific Publishing Company, Inc.
22621 Ornithologische Beobachter 0030-5707   Schweizerische Gesellschaft fuer Vogalkunde und Vogalschutz
21248 Osteopathische Medizin 1615-9071 1611-8928 Elsevier:  Urban und Fischer
17675 Osterreichische Wasser- Und Abfallwirtschaft 0945-358X 1613-7566 Springer
14332 Otorinolaryngologie a Foniatrie 1210-7867   Nakladatelske Stredisko CLSJE Purkyne
19700175122 Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology 1812-1837 2312-7791 Dr. Muhammed Umar Dahot
4400151521 Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 1680-5194 1994-7984 ANSI Asian Network for Scientific Information
22998 Parazitologiia 0031-1847   Russian Academy of Sciences
18280 PCI Journal 0887-9672   Precast - Prestressed Concrete Institute
15683 Pediatria Catalana 1135-8831   Societat Catalana de Pediatria
22891 Pediatric Dentistry 0164-1263 1942-5473 American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
294836899 Periodico Tche Quimica 1806-0374 2179-0302 Tche Quimica Group
19700201509 Pharma Research   0975-8216 Sudarshan Publications
21083 Pharmaceutical Care Espana 1139-6202   Fundacion Pharmaceutical Care Espana
19200156706 Pharmacognosy Magazine 0973-1296 0976-4062 Wolters Kluwer: Medknow Publications
19700174941 Pharmacognosy Research 0976-4836 0974-8490 Wolters Kluwer: Medknow Publications
19700175143 Pharmacognosy Reviews 0973-7847 0976-2787 Wolters Kluwer: Medknow Publications
4700152769 Pharmacopeial Forum   1542-1945 United States Pharmacopeial Convension Inc.
84320 Phlebologie 0031-8280   Societe Francaise De Phlebologie
20533 Phlebolymphology 1286-0107   Les Laboratoires Servier
29201 Physics Essays 0836-1398 2371-2236 Physics Essays Publication
16556 Phyton 0079-2047   Verlag Ferdinand Berger and Soehne GmbH
19900193211 Plant Archives 0972-5210 2581-6063 Dr. R.S. Yadab
4700152475 Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology 1817-3721 1818-8745 Bangladesh Association for Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology (BAPTC&B)
19400158817 Ponte 0032-423X   Vallechi Editore
20341 Postepy Mikrobiologii 0079-4252   Polskie Towarzystwo Mikrobiologow-Polish Society Of Microbiologists
32824 Pracovni Lekarstvi 0032-6291 1805-4536 Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne
17133 Pravention und Rehabilitation 0937-552X   Dustri-Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle
17644 Prensa Medica Argentina 0032-745X    Ediciones Médicas del Sur S.R.L.
21100821129 Problems of Education in the 21st Century 1822-7864 2538-7111 Scientia Socialis Ltd.
23020 Problems of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 0204-9155   Ministerstvo na Zdraveopazvaneto * Natsionalen Tsentur po Zarazni Parazitni Bolesti
20900195115 Proceedings of the World Multiconference on Applied Economics, Business and Development   2223-5779 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
20900195116 Proceedings of the WSEAS/IASME International Conference on Educational Technologies   2223-5787 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
66263 Prostor 1330-0652 1333-9117 University of Zagreb Faculty of Architecture
21100889429 Prozesswaerme 2567-3742   Vulkan Verlag Gmbh
15252 Przeglad Papierniczy 0033-2291 2449-9498 Wydawnictwo SIGMA-NOT
13398 Psyche 0033-2623 2510-4187 Verlag Klett-Cotta
15784 Psychiatrie de l'Enfant 0079-726X 2102-5320 Presses Universitaires de France
19400157128 Psychoanalysis and History 1460-8235 1755-201X Edinburgh University Press
64325 Psychotropes 1245-2092 1782-1487 De Boeck Universite
21100204304 Quaderns de l'Institut Catala d'Antropologia 0211-5557 2385-4472 Institut Catala d'antropologia
17717 Quality in Primary Care   1479-1072 iMedPub
18626 Rassegna di Patologia dell''Apparato Respiratorio 0033-9563   AIPO Ricerche Srl
21100890307 Research in World Economy 1923-3981 1923-399X Sciendu Press
  Research Journal of Allergy 1819-3390 2152-095X Academic Journals Inc.
17600155110 Research Journal of Applied Sciences 1815-932X 1993-6079 Medwell Journals
19700187706 Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2040-7459 2040-7467 Maxwell Scientific Publications
11500153415 Research Journal of Botany 1816-4919 2152-0461 Academic Journals Inc.
18800156725 Research Journal of Business Management 1819-1932 2152-0437 Academic Journals Inc.
19700175106 Research Journal of Cardiology 1819-3404 2151-8297 Academic Journals Inc.
17700155411 Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology 1819-3420   Academic Journals Inc.
19700175045 Research Journal of Immunology 1994-7909 2077-2211 ANSI Asian Network for Scientific Information
17200154703 Research Journal of Information Technology 1815-7432 2151-7959 Academic Journals Inc.
19700174950 Research Journal of Medical Sciences 1815-9346 1993-6095 Medwell Journals
17700155030 Research Journal of Medicinal Plant 1819-3455 2151-7924 Academic Journals Inc.
9500154041 Research Journal of Microbiology 1816-4935   Academic Journals Inc.
19700174907 Research Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1994-7925 2077-222X ANSI Asian Network for Scientific Information
17700154923 Research Journal of Parasitology 1816-4943   Academic Journals Inc.
19700188422 Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences   0975-8585 Gravis Bioinfotech PVT Ltd.
19700175031 Research Journal of Pharmacology 1815-9362 1993-6109 Medwell Journals
18800156745 Research Journal of Phytochemistry 1819-3471 2151-6081 Academic Journals Inc.
18800156724 Research Journal of Seed Science 1819-3552 2151-6146 Academic Journals Inc.
19700174987 Research Journal of Toxins 1819-3560 2151-7258 Academic Journals Inc.
21100228751 Review of European Studies 1918-7173 1918-7181 Canadian Center of Science and Education
79214899 Revista Argentina de Clinica Psicologica 0327-6716 1851-7951 Raffles Connect PTE LTD
26700 Revista Argentina de Endocrinologia y Metabolismo 0326-4610 1851-3034 Sociedad Argentina de Endocrinologia y Metabolismo
4100151710 Revista Chilena de Enfermedades Respiratorias 0717-5698 0717-7348 Editorial IKU
22219 Revista Cubana de Cirugia 0034-7493 1561-2945 Centro Nacional de Informacion de CIencias Medicas
18225 Revista Cubana de Medicina 0034-7523 1561-302X Editorial Ciencias Medicas
77801399 Revista de Chimie (Bucuresti) 0034-7752 2668-8212 Syscom 18 s.r.l.
25197 Revista de Toxicologia   1697-0748 Asociacion Espanola de Toxicologia
17600155009 Revista del Laboratorio Clinico 1888-4008 1989-0389 Elsevier: Doyma
11200153556 Revista Espacios   0798-1015 Sociacion de Profesionales y Tecnicos del CONICIT
24244 Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Politicas y Sociales 0185-1918 2448-492X Facultad de Ciencias Politicas y Sociales, UNAM
19400158357 Revista Romana de Medicina de Laborator 1841-6624 2284-5623 University Press, Tirgu Mures
17600155138 Revue Francaise de Psychosomatique 1164-4796 2105-2603 Presses Universitaires de France
100147021 Revue Francophone des Laboratoires 1773-035X   Elsevier
11700154724 Revue Francophone d'Orthoptie 1876-2204 1876-2212 Elsevier: Masson
21100389315 Risk Governance and Control Financial Markets and Institutions 2077-429X 2077-4303 Virtus Interpress
19400158329 Romanian Biotechnological Letters 1224-5984 2248-3942 Editura Universitatea din Bucuresti
19700194018 Russian Journal of Biopharmaceuticals 2073-8099   Folium Publishing Company
21100850746 Russian Journal of Criminology 2500-4255 2500-1442 Baikal National University of Economics and Law
130151 Russian Journal of Developmental Biology 1062-3604 1608-3326 Springer
14268 Science and Technology of Energetic Materials 1347-9466   Japan Explosives Society
21100904912 Science for Education Today   2658-6762 Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University
19900191347 Science of Advanced Materials 1947-2935 1947-2943 American Scientific Publishers
19335 Sciences Sociales et Sante 0294-0337 1777-5914 John Libbey Eurotext
24221 Scientist 0890-3670 1945-5127 Scientist Inc.
98396 SD Revista Medica Internacional Sobre el Sindrome de Down 1138-2074 2171-9721 Elsevier
19201 Sensor Letters 1546-198X 1546-1971 American Scientific Publishers
19700187707 Sensors & Transducers 1726-5479   International Frequency Sensor Association (IFSA)
80618 Silva Balcanica 1311-8706   Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
21100212600 Social Sciences 1818-5800 1993-6125 Medwell Journals
3900148509 Soins Cadres 1962-2287   Elsevier: Masson
24051 Somatosensory and Motor Research 0899-0220 1369-1651 Informa:  Taylor & Francis
21100814517 Space and Culture, India   2052-8396 ACCB Publishing
21100198713 Space Research Journal 1819-3382   Academic Journals Inc.
20000195017 Studii si Cercetari Stiintifice, Chimie si Inginerie Chimica, Biotehnologii, Industrie Alimentara 1582-540X 2344-5467 University of Bacau
13154 Surveying and Land Information Science 1538-1242 1559-7202 American Congress On Surveying And Mapping
17284 Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 0039-646X   Svenska Botaniska Foereningen
6400153128 SWS - Rundschau 1013-1469   Sozialwissenschaftliche Studiengesellschaft
263719299 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 0975-8453 0976-2779 Wolters Kluwer Health
21100208309 Talent Development and Excellence 1869-0459 1869-2885 International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence (IRATDE)
16606 Tekstil 0492-5882 1849-1537 Croatian Association of Textile Engineers
23886 Telma 0340-4927   Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Moor- und Torfkunde e.V.
12997 Test Engineering and Management 0193-4120   Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
21100265336 The International Arabic Journal of Antimicrobial Agents    2174-9094 iMedPub
21100314715 Theory and Practice in Language Studies 1799-2591 2053-0692 Academy publisher
17600155047 Therapie Familiale 0250-4952 2235-2112 Editions Medecine et Hygiene
20145 Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 0371-683X 1784-9721 Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde A.S.B.L.
20180 Trace Elements and Electrolytes 0946-2104   Dustri-Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle
21100199822 Translational Biomedicine 2172-0479   iMedPub
19700175035 Trends in Bioinformatics 1994-7941 2077-2254 ANSI Asian Network for Scientific Information
19700175137 Trends In Medical Research 1819-3587 2151-6065 Academic Journals Inc.
38536 Turk Serebrovaskuler Hastaliklar Dergisi 1301-1375 2146-9113 Turkish Society of Cerebrovascular Diseases
19500156802 Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 1303-6521   Sakarya University
914501739 Universal Journal of Educational Research 2332-3205 2332-3213 Horizon Reseach Publishing
21100856014 Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2332-3280 2332-3299 Horizon Research Publishing
21100855996 Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering 2332-3353 2332-3361 Horizon Research Publishing
5700164382 Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana 1316-5216 2477-9555 Universidad del Zulia
20804 Verdauungskrankheiten 0174-738X   Dustri-Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle
21100829275 Veterinary Research   1994-4659 Medwell Journals
19700169710 Vjesnik za Arheologiju i Povijest Dalmatinsku   1849-0336 Archaeological Museum in Split
22725 Vogelwarte 0049-6650   Deutsche Ornithologen-Gesellschaft
6000195383 WIT Transactions on Biomedicine and Health   1743-3525 WIT press
5700191222 WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies   1743-3517 WIT press
144842 WIT transactions on Modelling and Simulation   1743-355X WIT press
20500195146 World Applied Sciences Journal 1818-4952 1991-6426 International Digital Organization for Scientific Information (IDOSI)
21100411340 World Journal of Clinical Oncology   2218-4333 Baishideng Publishing Group Co
19700174801 World Journal of Medical Sciences 1817-3055 1990-4061 International Digital Organization for Scientific Information (IDOSI)
17600155114 World Journal of Modelling and Simulation 1746-7233   World Academic Union (World Academic Press)
19600157349 WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine   1109-9518 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
144806 WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems 2224-266X 1109-2734 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
1900147401 WSEAS Transactions on Communications 2224-2864 1109-2742 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
144885 WSEAS Transactions on Computers 2224-2872 1109-2750 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
17700156005 WSEAS Transactions on Heat and Mass Transfer   1790-5044 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
144808 WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications   1790-0832 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
19700190300 WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems   1790-5060 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
12100154403 WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing 2224-3488 1790-5052 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
144813 WSEAS Transactions on Systems 2224-2678 1109-2777 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
76272 Zairyo to Kankyo 0917-0480 1881-9664 Japan Society Of Corrosion Engineering
19700174730 Zeitschrift fur Familienforschung 1437-2940 2196-2154 Verlag Barbara Budrich
11300153601 Zeitschrift fur Feldherpetologie 0946-7998   Laurenti Verlag
5600152865 Zeitschrift fur Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation 1436-1957   Juventa Verlag GmbH
21416 Zentralsterilisation - Central Service 0942-6086   mhp-Verlag
65906 ZFV - Zeitschrift fur Geodasie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement 1618-8950   Verlag Dr. Bernd Wiissner
22137 Ziegelindustrie International/Brick and Tile Industry International 0341-0552   Bauverlag Gmbh
18060 ZKG International 2366-1313   Bauverlag BV Gmbh

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